chapter 1 - coma

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as i told the truth to percy, a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. though percy was genuinely confused, annabeth smiled. i looked around, and when i spotted the person i was looking for, i started walking towards him.

even though i wasn't really looking for the infirmary, i was lowkey happy will asked him to go there. doctors order, obviously.

"shall we go?" will asked. i only nodded, and followed the blonde haired male.

''so what did you tell percy? he looked surprised.'' he asked.

''it's none of your business.'' i answered.

''geez calm down'' will looked at me, and the rest of the way was pretty quiet.

the infirmary was white. not like it surprised me, i was there before. when i was ten but that doesn't really matter. will leaded me to a small room. there were only a bed, a table and two chairs. i sat on the bed, while looking at will.

"now what?" i asked.

"well, i'm going to do an examination, and then i'm going to see what's next.'' will answered.

''can you please pull your shirt up?''

''w-what?'' i blushed.

''i need to listen to your heartbeat.'' will smirked.

''oh okay...'' i pulled up my shirt, showing; that my small chest was covered scratches. i closed my eyes. 'now will knows how disgusting i look' i thought.

will placed the stethoscope on my chest and listened to my heart rate.

''it's a bit faster than it's supposed to be, but it's good enough.'' he sighted.

well maybe it's because i'm half naked. i thought.

''that was pretty honest.'' will laughed.

''i did not said that aloud, did i?'' i couldn't dealt with this much of embarrassment. i turned away.

''don't worry, it was pretty cute'' will tried to make the situation better.

i blushed once again. will called me cute? no, that's impossible.

suddenly one of will's siblings rushed in.

''will there is a big injury, he might won't make it.'' she told will.

''i'll be back in no time, death boy!'' the blonde boy runned away.

''how sad" a man came appeared out of nowhere.

''hello there'' i greated the man '' why are you here?''

''oh i am sure you know why. a lot of people received injuries. '' he sighted ''will can't save everyone. poor house of ares. they will be devastated. ''

''yeah, i guess.'' i looked at the man's
scythe. ''but why are you here?''

''i wanted a little company. '' thanatos explained.

''oh i'm sorry for you. i'm not the best company.'' i sighted.

''i don't mind that.'' and he sat on the chair ''i want to be peace before the nasty work. i don't like taking people's souls away. i feel sorry for them. not everyone goes to the elysium you know.''

in the following minutes we both were quiet.

thanatos reminded me of myself. how many souls are gone because of me. most of them just followed orders. and then there were the ones i couldn't save. especially leo valdez. i should die and not him. he got the whole life, but i can't expect anything. i am the son of hades after all. i was born to suffer. and still it was leo who died. i was hundred percent sure he died. i felt his soul leaving. a tear fell down on my cheeks. 

''it's not your fault.'' thanatos looked at me. ''you couldn't do anything. he... he were chasing love.''

''love?'' i asked silently.

''yeah. you know why i look so much like eros?''

i shook my head.

''love and death isn't that different. it's scary, and people who never experienced it, don't know what's it like. do you know what's it like to die?'' i shook my head again ''neither do i.'' he sighted.

i looked at him, but he haven't told me any more.

''gotta go.'' thanatos stood up. from outside a horrible scream were heard. clarisse. i felt sorry for her. i knew how it felt. loosing a sibling. i remember how devastated i was when bianca died. another soul i couldn't save. a tear slowly dropped out of my eye. 

i must've fallen asleep. i haven't slept well, but atleast i haven't got any bad dreams. out the window everything was pitch black, so i assumed it must be night time (what a little genius i am, right?). i really needed to go to the toilet and I was hungry too. and don't even ask about my sour trout. as i looked around, for something that could help me. i spotted will sleeping on a chair. he looked so cute while sleeping. no nico. you shouldn't think in that way. but still...

''hey. will.'' i barely could talk. he slowly opened his eyes.

''thanks to apollo, you are finally up. i was worried.'' his face showed that he wasn't lying.

''how long have i been sleeping?'' i asked.

''sleeping? you were turning into shadows for a week. we thought, you might won't wake up.''

he looked tired. what if he didn't sleep because of me. i felt terribly. i don't count that much.

''do you need anything?'' he asked.

''i have to go to the toilet, first of all.'' i said. how embarrassing.

will pointed at a wheelchair. he grabbed me in bride pose and laid me on the chair. i know i don't weight that much, but he still was very strong. he told me to try moving the chair myself, what i could do. he lead me to the restroom, while he explained how can i get on the toilet. when i was done we went back, and will went to the kitchen to fetch some soup.

AN: Hey guys! I know there is like hundreds of solangelo stories but I wanted to write one too. please tell me about what you think it would mean a lot. Lots of love, Lexi.


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