chapter 2 - oi oi baguette

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AU: in the last chapter you saw me going on lowercase. I can't do that anymore. Autocorrect kills me.


''Oi, mate!'' Jason came into the room ''Will told me that you are stuck in a wheelchair.''

''Must sucks.'' Percy walked in too.

''It does.'' I told.

''So... look Neeks. I appreciate you told me the truth. Really. So I brought you this.''

I haven't even noticed the plastic bag in his hand. He gave it to me, and I slowly unwrapped the box, the plastic hid.

My eyes glew up when I saw, that the box was nothing, but a Happy Meal. I thanked Percy, and started to eat it.

''Oh you want some?'' I asked them with full mouth.

''No thanks.'' They both answered.

We talked for about an hour, but then Will came in, claiming I need some rest.

''I am totally fine, I dont need rest!'' I screamed at him when the boys left.

''Yeah you do.''

He pulled the chair to my bed and sat on it.

''So tell me about yourself.'' Will looked at me.

''Uhm there is nothing really about me.''

''I am sure there is.'' Will looked at me.
''Any favourite movie?''

''I never watched any movie?'' I looked at him.

Will's eyes expanded and started to laugh.

''Oh gosh. We have to cure that.'' He ran out of the room and came back with a DVD box. ''You can't believe how lucky you are, that I have a DVD player with me.''

So yeah, I was forced to watch hundreds of dumb movies, but atleast I could eat popcorn. Something for something, I guess.

''Tired yet?'' Will looked at me.


''Then sleep tight, and have good dreams, I assume?''

''Good night for you too!'' as I looked at him, something slipped out of my mouth as an afterthought.

''Solace! Can you sleep here?'' As I realized what I said, I quickly covered my mouth.

Will looked at me, with a weird expression, but then he said.

''Alright, I guess.'' He sat down at a chair and waited for me to fall asleep (which honestly, wasn't a very long time).

''Hey son.'' I heard a voice. It was gentle, but creepy as the same time (we are talking 'bout the lord of the death, what were you expecting?).

''Hi father.'' I sighted ''Why exactly are we here?''

''Does something bad need to happen if I want to talk to my son?''

''Well yes, you don't really talk to me in another situation. And it doesn't bother me before you would think so.'' I replied.

''Yeah, you've got something there. So, the only thing you are here because is I spoke to Tanatos. And he said that you are sad because a particular son of Hephaestus. But don't worry, he is just fine, he is alive, he is okay, et cetera.'' He told me this without taking a single breath.


''Oh come on. Won't you thank me?''

''Thank you.'' I sighted. ''But can I you know, wake up? It's pretty dark down here.''

What I said was true. It really was dark. No torch, no candle. Nothing. But if he likes it. He knows. 'Father knows the best' I remembered the movie we secondly watched. Tangled or something.

''Yeah sure.'' He snapped with his finger and I found myself in my bed, all sweaty.

At the moment I turned around I noticed, how Will was sleeping in the bed. How the f did he got here?

With his leg, dumbass. I answered my own question.

Obviously his hair was in his face, but still looked kinda cute. Butterflies were banging on my lungs, what wasn't a very comfortable feeling, but I could bear with it. However all I wanted to do is hug him, even tho I hate physical contact. I'm weird in this way.

''Hey, Death Boy.''

you are my sunshineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora