Wednesday- Punishments

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Authors note: I'm enjoying writing this story and recently planned out the main storyline so there is like, actually a plot. If anyone reads this story in the future (since i know some are still reading my writing that i wrote more than a year ago), i hope to merlin that you aren't still living in a pandemic 😂. Thanks to "Clara", "Adara", "Amaris", "Ariana", Hannah, and Twilfitt for helping me write this story.

Harry opened his door that evening to Ron and Hermione.
"Hey, mate. Thought we'd drop by, the kids are being babysat by Grandma and Grampa Granger tonight," his best friend explained.
"How are you doing, Harry?" Hermione asked as he moved out of the way to let them both in.
"Good, yeah, you?"
"If you're wondering about the injury, Harry is, as usual, pretending it never happened and insisted on going back to work on Monday of this week," Ginny answered her brother and his wife without looking at her husband.
"Bloody hell, mate, you almost lost your leg after that curse," Ron told him.
"Oh yeah, I'd forgotten," Harry bit back sarcastically.
"Sit down, Harry, it's bad enough you being on your feet all day, you need to rest," Hermione insisted, leading him into his own living room.
"I didn't invite you two over to lecture me."
"You didn't invite us at all, mate," Ron sniggered.
"So why did you come? Ginny asked her brother, sitting on the couch beside Harry, who, to Hermione's insistence, had his injured leg propped up on the sofa.
"We had a night off, thought you two would be happy to see us," Ron replied.
"What's that?" Harry asked, seeing a small rectangular object in Ron's hand.
"My new phone," he told them proudly. "A top of the range iPhone for your information, only came out a couple of weeks ago."
Harry stared at it blankly as Ginny giggled. "You're turning into Dad with all those muggle trinkets."
"But... where are all the wires?" Harry asked, confused. "The Dursleys had a telephone when I was at Hogwarts, but it didn't look like that."
This time it was Hermione's turn to laugh.
"Oh, Harry. Most Muggles nowadays use mobile phones as well as their landlines, that's the one you know about, with the wires. This is a touchscreen phone."
"Why do you need to touch the screen?" Ginny asked interestedly.
"That's how you make it work," Ron explained.
"Can I see it?" Harry asked.
Ron passed it to his best friend.
Harry began to press his finger on the dark screen, puzzled.
Hermione couldn't help it and burst out in another fit of giggles. "Harry, the screen isn't on."
Ron took the phone back, unlocking the phone screen. "Mate, I'll show you."
Ginny moved over to give her brother space to sit. He opened the Gallery app and showed them a few pictures of Rose he'd taken earlier. He swiped over to a video, pressing play.
"Muggle pictures can't move. Ron did you-" Harry began.
"No, I didn't touch a thing with magic. It's called a video, it's like a miniature television," he explained, "It's mental what technology can do."
"I'm assuming we shouldn't be expecting you to get a phone any time soon?" Hermione asked Harry and Ginny.
"Me? No way, the Floo's enough for me," Harry told them.
"By the way, we brought a surprise." Hermione reached deep into her bag, pulling out three bags of what Harry recognized as Muggle takeaway. He grinned, glancing at Ginny. They would never buy this kind of thing themselves with Kreacher cooking them anything they wanted, but it was great when his best friends brought it over.
"Kreacher," he called.
"Yes, Master Harry?"
"Ron and Hermione have provided us with some Muggle delicacies to try tonight, if you and the kids would like to join us."
"Of course, Master. Kreacher will fetch young Masters James and Albus and young Mistress Lily," Kreacher bowed, his long nose making contact with the floor.

"I never got to try any of this before the War ended," Harry said absentmindedly as he took a chip from his plate. He broke it in half, giving a piece to his one year old daughter who was sitting on his knee.
"Mum and Dad and I had takeaway nights once a week," Hermione replied, "They never had pudding though, since they were dentists."
"The Dursleys let me have ice cream once, I got to finish Dudley's first one because they gave him the wrong kind or something like that."
"We always had some kind of pudding lying around at the Burrow," Ginny said, "I used to love it when I was younger but now we only have it if I remember, because Harry never thinks of it."
"I get you it sometimes," Harry mumbled.
"You get me it but I want you to get it for yourself so that I can have some," Ginny explained.
Harry was baffled.

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