Saturday- Parties and Tests

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"Look who arrived early!" Harry said happily, as Ginny watched him lead his two best friends into the living room, where she was helping James unwrap some of his birthday gifts.
"Harry, sit down," Hermione said a little anxiously. "Honestly, we could have let ourselves in."
Ginny herself had given up on the fruitless attempts to force Harry to rest his injury. If a gentle push didn't do it, any more would simply irritate both of them.
"Mummy and Daddy are getting me a Firebolt!" James exclaimed to his Aunt and Uncle.
"A toy broomstick," Harry clarified. With Hermione staring at him, he grudgingly sat down.
Ron was grinning; he found it very funny when Hermione focused her energy on Harry. Ginny had to admit- watching Harry's reaction was quite entertaining.
"Kreacher," Ginny called sweetly.
"Mistress Ginny?"
"Could you take James and his cousins to make some art in the playroom with Al and Lily?" she suggested.
"Of course, Mistress Ginny. Are the older three young Masters and Mistress allowed a treat from Kreacher?"
"I'm sure they would love that," Ginny replied as Hermione opened her mouth to object. Her sister-in-law was a lot more strict with her children, but it was James's birthday after all. It wasn't like she was allowing sweets for the one-year-olds.
When the door was shut, she began to explain. "James is beginning to understand a little more of what we're saying."
"He overheard you and Ginny on the Floo," Harry admitted, looking at Hermione, "saying that Garrett saved my life. He told him that when I brought him to meet some Aurors for his birthday."
"Did he like that?" Ron asked.
"Loved them."
"How did you get on with your students this week, Harry?" Hermione asked.
"Well, I think they've all improved a lot, thanks to Selwyn and Garrett. I'm really impressed by him, honestly. He's quite new to the Department, but he has talent. Although, I'm having a little trouble with Alderwood," he said awkwardly.
"Alderwood sounds like a prick," Ginny said without hesitation.
"Teddy's coming early," Harry remembered, changing the subject. Ginny loved the way his face shone whenever he mentioned his godson. "He Floo called me all by himself earlier."
"He's growing up, mate," Ron shrugged, "soon he'll be off to Hogwarts, chasing dragons and battling fifty foot snakes." Ron was messing with him; Ginny watched to see how he would take it. Harry wasn't always the best at responding to teasing.
"He'll be fine," Hermione interjected. "Teddy will spend his time in class, playing Quidditch, and smuggling Weasley's products to his common room."
Harry looked slightly relieved.
Ginny remembered something she needed to tell Ron and Hermione about, because there was no way Harry would.
"Harry had a bit of a telling-off from Kingsley on Thursday."
Her husband blushed and shrank in his seat; Ginny knew he was silently willing her to let the topic go.
"He said that Harry needs to learn to stop pushing himself past what he should do, regardless of how much he could do."
"No shit, mate," Ron responded, facing Harry, "we all know the reason you got hurt on that last mission."
"Harry, you need to..." Hermione started.
"I'm fine Hermione, perfectly fine," Harry interrupted irritably.
Suddenly, green flames erupted in the living room fire.
"Teddy!" Harry exclaimed, his entire demeanor changing in seconds. He used the arm of the sofa to push himself up, still unsteady on the injury that Ginny knew should have healed if Harry took the proper time to recover. He'd chosen the longer recovery- it was his decision and she wouldn't force him to stop going to work.
"Hi, Harry," the ten year old greeted his godfather, "that's still the same injury, isn't it?"
"Don't worry," Ginny told him, "he hasn't gotten hurt since last week."
"Teddy, sit down." Harry ignored Ginny's comment. "Jamie is upstairs, but once he sees you're here, I won't have any opportunity to talk to you," he joked.
James was determined that Teddy was his best friend, despite the five year age difference.
"Hi, Ginny, Ron, Hermione," he added politely, hair flashing at regular intervals.
"How is your Gran?" Harry asked.
"She's good, been baking lots of apple pie recently, said she has to come over with a treacle tart for you sometime," Teddy told him, grinning. He liked coming over to their house.
"Tell her not to go to any bother," Harry blushed, "tell her I said to make your favorite instead. Still chocolate cake?"
"With a chocolate mousse filling," Teddy agreed, "and profiteroles."
"I had Kreacher make you some chocolate mousse specially. It's in the kitchen, if you want to eat it before James insists on sharing."
Teddy ran off to fetch his special snack. Ginny enjoyed seeing her husband and his godson getting some personal time, she knew Teddy loved his godsiblings, but they could be a lot sometimes, and it was nice for him as the eldest to have some fun that wasn't hijacked by the younger ones.
"Why don't we go and check on the kids?" Ron suggested, breaking the silence. "Leave the two of you to spend some time with him."
"Thanks," Harry said sincerely.
"Found it!" Teddy called, his hair turning orange with excitement.
"Brilliant. There's a few extra in the fridge if you're here again tomorrow."
"Which days are you at work?" he asked.
"I'm teaching at the moment, so I'm in tomorrow afternoon, and then every day next week," Harry recounted to his godson.
"That's a lot. Are the new Auror recruits any good?"
"It's actually kids I'm teaching this time, older Hogwarts age- they're aspiring Aurors. There's a werewolf there."
"Really? One like me, or a full one?"
"A full one. I meant to ask them for tips for the pain; I'll do that next week," Harry offered.
"What do the other students say?" Teddy asked interestedly.
"They don't know. I'm the only one - apart from a couple of Ministry staff - that was told, and I do not intend to tell their story for them," Harry replied.
"But the world knows about me, right?" Teddy asked curiously.
"Teddy," Harry said gently, "the world knows you are the son of a metamorphmagus and a werewolf, and that you have exhibited traits of both, but not the extent of your condition. When you go to Hogwarts in a year's time, you can tell your story however you like, and I will support you."
"Do you think people at Hogwarts will know me? Like the way you're famous and everything?" Teddy wondered, his hair flitting from a dark brown to a mid blue.
"Yes," Ginny cut in, "but they'll know you as Remus and Tonks's son, and Harry's godson. You need to teach them who Teddy Lupin is."
Harry smiled at her gratefully.
"Oh, by the way, Harry, I tried flying again yesterday, and it went much better," Teddy announced.
"Brilliant, Teddy. Are you ready to try Quidditch?"
"Er... maybe give it one more week," Teddy mumbled as his hair switched to red.
"That's fine," Harry chuckled, "go at your own pace."

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