+++ Chapter 21 +++

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*-* Jay's POV *-*

I was a child lacking what people called empathy. Even now, its still more or less the same. Its just that, I have an exception.

"Hell yea! I won first place again! Wooooooh!!!" Dan screams as the mushroom character he choose drive to the finish line with me right behind him.

I can feel a small smile creeps in on my face. I'm suppose to be someone who can't feel anything. Yet, seeing him happy makes me smile. Even just a little.

I chuckle "Heh.. I would've won that time if it wasn't for that flying blue shell."

Through out the years, I have learned to put up wall of fake emotions. Still, with him, what I express are mostly real. I don't get it. But I don't care. He is my exception. He is the one person that my parents saw as an angel that saved me. Even after learning what is good, what is bad, and all sort of things like it, I still don't get it. But if him smiling like this is a good thing, I'll do anything for that.

"We could do another race if you still think you can finally beat me." he says while looking at me with a cocky grin.

I place down the joystick "Naaaah..... I'm skilled, but if you put luck in that factor, you're the one with it."

"Alright," he then turns off the console and tv "we can do something else if you want. Like watch a movie or go out somewhere."

I took some time to think for a bit then gets up from the bean bag chair and flops onto the bed. Dan joined me soon after and giggles. We just stare at each other for a bit before he spoke up.

"Sooooo... now what?"

"Not sure..." I mumble out "But we need to do something about that purple hair dude soon."

"How about tomorrow?" he suggested.

"Hmmm... Sure. As long as things went to plan. I think tomorrow is good."

He then gets up and cover me with blanket "Get some rest. You looked like you needed it."

"Mmmh... I'll.. get some sleep later." I said as I push the blanket aside and get up as well "I'm going back. Well... only if you're one hundred percent certain that you'll be fine by yourself."

"I'll be fine Jay. I already am." he then gave me his biggest smile and points at his face using both of is hands "See? I don't mind if you stay. But someone need to look after Hosuh."

"Okay then. If that's what you want." I gently ruffle his hair "I'll come here again tomorrow to both continue with our plan and to check up on you."

He rolled his eyes "I'm not a child Jay."

"I know. But you are someone that I care about." I said then hug him "And I don't wanna lose you because of something stupid."

He seems shocked but hugged back. We stayed like that for a few minutes until he let go. He then followed me to the front door. I pat his head before heading home. When I got there, I heard some noises coming from Hosuh's room. I went to check and saw Hosuh excitedly going around placing some stuff into his bag.

"Oh. Hi Jay!" he greets me when he finally saw me.

"Just what were you doing?"

"Ah.. I plan to meet up with Stephen tomorrow and I decided to bring some tools to make things out of the cardboard boxes we have."

He place his bag beside the table then went to pick up a garbage bag that's possibly filled mostly with papers and all the likes.

"We'll go in the morning and I'll come back before dinner."

"Let me get this straight, you're planning to go with a strange dude to an abandoned place just to make some arts and crafts?"

"Why? I don't see anything wrong with that."

I sigh "You know what. Whatever." I said then head to my room, locking the door.

Damn it Hosuh. I wouldn't have care much even if you got kidnapped had Daniel didn't see you as one of his friends. I would've already killed that purple haired guy if not for Dan wanting to give him a chance as well. To see if he's nice or not. But at least with this, I now know where to find him. I just need to inform Dan about it. So I did. I sent him a text to tell him that the guy and Hosuh plan to meet up tomorrow. We chat for a bit to come up with some plans. Hopefully it works. But even if any of the plans doesn't work, there's still time since I also have a backup plan. And as if the universe could read my mind, the person called.


"Good timing. We need to talk."

She giggle "I'll send you an address. Come here and whatever it is you have in mind, we have a deal."


"Yes. I should've given it to you earlier but you already ran off in a hurry."

"I'll go there tomorrow."

"We'll be waiting." she says in a strange tone then immediately hangs up.

Weird... But if she could get the job done then I don't care. I then plop onto the bed and plan to get some sleep when I heard a few knocks on the door.

"Jaaaay.. Have you eaten lunch or something?"

At least now I know what I forgot. I can sleep later. I just hope Dan eat something after I left.

"Not yet." I shouted an answer.

I got up and came out from my room then followed Hosuh to the kitchen. We eat mostly in silence. Nothing unusual but he's busy being on his phone. Probably texting that Stephen guy. Hosuh seems happy. Still, I wish I could've just kill the guy and be done with it. But I'll let Dan decide on what to do with him. He's too nice letting people lived as long as they didn't directly cause anyone he cares about any harm. Then again, I guess I too am biased on some things involving Daniel. I just want him to be safe and happy. Unlike what happened in the past. No. I would hate for something similar to repeat.

"I'm gonna sleep for a bit." I announce after I'm done with my food.

"Oh, okay." Hosuh replied, still eating.

I went back to my room, locking it, then went to bed. A small nap wouldn't hurt. After all, I did got up way too early today.

[A/N: I kinda wonder if I should publish Jay & Dan's childhood next or the highschool days or a normal chapter. Hmmmmmm....]

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