the night day 5 1/2

698 29 40

Sooooo what you want to do

Um I dont know want to watch TV or something like that

Sure why not what do you want to watch

How about we watch family guy (I couldn't think of anything) or whatever you want to watch

Yeah let's watch family guy

30 minutes later

Sooo what was the scary dream you had

Well it was about my ex that's all why

WhT do you mean it was about your ex and because I care for you

Well yeah it was about my ex yeah awww I care for you too

Tell me the dream darryl

I dont really want to because I know your going to get mad and I am not ready to tell anyone just yet

Darryl I will find out in a sec if I just search it up so tell me now

*sigh* well befor I started YouTube I use to date a guy and we were all sweet at first but when I started posting Youtube he started to change like alot he would go out and take my money and then would yell at me for not giving him money at it would get worst to the point were he would hit me alot to the point were I would have to stay locked in the bathroom and call the cops but when they would come he would just disappear and then come back when they were gone.

Are you Sirius right darryl because I am on the verge for looking for him and putting him in jail for a life time

Yeah I am there more at night he would just rape when I would tell him to stop he would just keep going

Zak jump off the bed and grab darrly wrist and drag him all the way to his office.

That's it what is his name darryl he is going to be dead when I find him

Sean Vegas but please dont do it zak I not that important for you to do this

Zak turned and looked at darryl like he was dumb and stupid

The hell you are who ever told you that bullshit is dumb and i mean really dumb
Because I love you and I would do anything for you if I have to make you happy got that darryl I dont ever want to see you cry ever again

Awww I love you too zak and ok

And he might be doing this to other people as well so I kill two birds with one stone

Word: 450 or 456

Time: 11:01

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