129 Ways to Get a Husband

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A/N: Rey's father is Korkie Kryze, her grandmother is Sabine Kryze and her grandfather is Obi-Wan (yes, we all know Korkie was their secret child).

She lived with her grandparents after her parents died in a car crash, until she went to college, and moved in with Ben. You can make up who her mother is, to fit your imagination :)

Rey quite frankly was losing her mind.

Ben Solo had to be the dumbest, most oblivious, incognisant man that she had ever met. For seven years now, SEVEN YEARS, she had been subtly dropping hints to get him to understand that she is utterly head-over-heels for him. And ever since this shoddy, old magazine came into her possession, her efforts had doubled with seemingly half the effect.

The first 30 ways were completely useless, simply because she had already found her 'eligible man' and had been stuck with him for the last 16 years. Though, if she were looking to find her own bachelor, she was unsure as to how sitting on a park bench to feed pigeons, or an extremely, overpriced bicycle trip through Europe would have helped. And so she quickly began her quest of zooming through the next 99 ways to get Ben to even notice her feelings towards him.

Step 31 - Stumble when you walk into a room that he's in

Then and there, Rey was ready to protest and give up on this stupid gimmick, because how in the hell, was tripping over a rug supposed to grab his attention and 'let him know she was there'? But hey-ho, she never did things half-heartedly, (and was quite desperate, not that she would admit that), so she went all for her fake stumble.

Though, the fake stumble, combined with her complete misjudgement of how far away their coffee table was, and General Hux being the pesky feline he was - she actually tripped, gained all of Ben's attention, and a nasty gash on her forehead. At least she got her TLC from Ben, and inadvertently completed step 34, with a lovely backstory to go with it.

Step 45 - Laugh at his jokes

Easy, Rey had initially thought. All she had to do was laugh when it seemed like he was making a joke, right? She didn't actually have to understand it.

Well, no it wasn't easy, she soon found out, and for a multitude of reasons.

First of all, Ben Solo didn't do jokes. He was more of a witty humour, laced with sarcasm kinda guy. What Rey didn't realise, was that you don't exactly laugh at sarcasm. So it was safe to say that her bursting out into a raucous laughter any time Ben drawled out a few words, gained her a couple of... odd looks.

Secondly, laughing at jokes you don't actually understand can lead to a series of awkward conversations. So, when Ben made a joke about some movie series called Space Battles and Rey had the nerve to laugh, he started asking questions, not realising that in reality, she had never watched his favourite films and spent half the evening in the bathroom googling as much as she could before it got too suspicious.

Step 50 - Practice your drinking with your woman friends first

Maybe, this rule was better suited to someone who wasn't pining after her roommate and had his number on speed dial, to pick her up whenever she had passed the line from tipsy to completely wasted.

So, with Ben carrying her over the threshold, she told him he was 'a sexy motherfucker' and promptly vomited all over his shoes.

In any case, she could count that as step 54, 'telling him he was handsome'.

Step 59 was thrown completely out of the window and would have been whether she was talking to Ben or the queen of England.

There was no goddamn way that she would 'watch her vocabulary'!She was born a potty mouth and didn't show any signs of stopping.

129 Ways to Get a Husband - A Reylo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now