Fated (1st part)

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A knight in shining armor,
A princess full of glamour
Bounded by the threads of fate
And forever they will always wait.

Yet when everyone died
They asked their selves why
Why did it come to this?
This isn't what they wished!

The king will never approve
The Queen will never be moved

A thousand ways to stop
And all these facades will drop

Finally, the king issued a command
"Capture the cretin, bury him in the sands!
Don't let him run, don't let him hide
Bring him to me, and everyone on his side!"

No choices are given, they all have to obey
Amidst the guilt and brewing disarray

Not too long and they already caught
The knight who's currently in distraught

He will be tortured inhumanely
Disregarding his very dignity

Flames will raze down his kins,
As lashes whip down his skin.

The Princess grew horrified
But can't stop the King no matter how she tried
So she made up her mind
Follow the way, even if it's hard to find

"Stop this, dear father
I'll go marry that lover.
So please let him go
Don't let him suffer another sorrow"

Oh, how delightful those words are!
"Good daughter, the greatest decision by far!
I'll let go of this guy,  go do what you must!
You have been led astray, but you've gone back at last!"

Everything was set in the blink of an eye.
She has to marry an entirely foreign guy.

Who cares bout her unwillingness?
A tool has no right to think about its happiness!

The knight was freed on that fateful day
When he felt the sun lost all its rays
His dear princess wedded to another!
Doesn't that mean his world is over?

"IMPOSSIBLE! This cannot be!
I've lost everything that is dear to me!
And yet there you are, in another man's embrace
Is this why you've thrown me like a waste!!!"

Anger boiled, consuming his sanity
As he vowed to remember this for all eternity
One day he'll return
And watch as this whole kingdom be burned!!!


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