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I wish I had never felt this way
This, that makes my heart go in disarray
And it makes it hard for me to say
That I want to see you every day...

How can I resist those smiles in glee?
When my heart just wants to burst and flee
Now, tell me what have you done to me
Which makes you the one I want to see

How can I remove my gaze on you?
When you just sparkle out of the blue
Torturing this heart without a clue
Obscuring my senses to know what's true

It feels so painful yet feels so fun'
Cause you shine brighter than the afternoon sun
Killing me and all, yet you're still not done
You neither allowed me to hide nor run

It's really funny how foolish I am
To be so worked up for nothing but damn
After all, your kindness is just a sham
Whose total darkness is yet to come

How I wish for it to be not you...
But I can't escape it no matter what I do.
I just keep getting trampled under your shoe
Could this feeling just vanish like the morning dew?

You suddenly struck amidst the darkness
Turning my sadness to blissful happiness
This might be your unknown prowess
Taming my heart, bringing out its softness

How I wish for us to be together...
Even if it doesn't last forever
Hand in hand, believing in each other
But in the end, I will only be a bother

They say it's great for the heart to burn in passion
But to me, it's as hideous as a seething poison
Filling the heart with mountains of anticipation
Until you die and wake up from realization

You never gave me a chance
So I'm gonna stop this all at once
And wake myself up from all this trance...

The PessimistTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon