Rise of the Snakes

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                                             Long before time had a name, The First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago using four elemental weapons.

                                                            But when he passed, a dark sought out to collect them all- Lord Garmadon.

                                                           So I, Sensei Wu, his brother, sought out to find four ninja to collect them first.

     The Monastery overlooked Ninjago, which was, (for once), at peace. It had been months since the ninja had defeated Lord Garmadon-no- Lord Garmadon escaped the ninja. Sensei Wu breathed in. Inhale. Exhale. Images came to him, in bright colors and flashes. But before he could focus on them, his concentration was broken by the sound of Kai's voice. "FIRE STRIKE! Oh my god, isn't that the greatest move you've ever seen?!" Cole's voice soon joined Kai's. "Stop trying to do it yourself, we need to attack as a team!" Sensei Wu stood up. They must have finally decided to train again. The old sensei left his room, and went towards the outdoor training area. He opened the door, and looked around. The training area was empty.

      Where were they? "Zane! Why are you wasting your special attack on me?! You have to save it!" Jay. Sensei Wu went through the empty training yard, and was extremely disappointed in the fact that it was collecting dust. He opened the door at the end of the training yard, and found the four ninja playing a video game- about Ninja, no less! Jay groaned. "FUCK! I'm out of lives!" The other ninja laughed, and Zane said, "But the lesson lives on, and I'm getting the hang of it." Cole grinned and pressed another button. "Okay... NOW!" Kai, Zane, and Cole quickly pressed buttons on their controllers, fighting the boss, and Sensei Wu mentally groaned, wishing that they would focus this much on training. He spun over to the television, and quickly unplugged it. The Ninja collectively groaned.

"Aw man!" Cole.

"What?! What happened?" Jay.

"It took us three hours to get there!" Cole again. 

"Why would you do that?! Why?!" Jay again. 

     Sensei Wu rolled his eyes. "Just because Lord Garamdon escaped through a vortex doesn't mean he won't return one day for the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu!" Zane frowned. "But Sensei Wu, ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has had nothing but peace." Jay got up, rolling his eyes. "Yeah. Peace is boring. There's no one to save, nothing to do." Kai lied down behind Cole. "We can train tomorrow." Sensei Wu groaned, and rubbed his temples.  "Never put off for tomorrow what can be done today." Cole smirked and picked up a piece of pizza that had been lying in a box on the floor. "Well, I was gonna eat this pizza tomorrow. So if that's the case-" Sensei Wu kicked the pizza out of his hand. "Ow!" Cole complained. "No pizza for you!" Sensei Wu snapped. "In order to reach your full potential, you must train!" Kai looked at him, confused, before smirking. "Uh... remember when we did a little thing called the Tornado of Creation? I though that was pretty insane." Sensei Wu sighed, shaking his head as he speaks. "You four have merely scratched the surface of your full potential. There are still so many secrets you have yet to unlock! You haven't even begun to tap into what powers your Golden Weapons hold." He pointed to Kai's sword, where some pizza was burning on the glowing sword. Jay gasped. "Holy shit Kai!" Kai openly gaped at it, Zane looked mildly surprised, and Cole just stared. Cole shook his head, saw the TV again, and grinned. "You wanna talk secret powers? Check this out." He used his scythe and picked up the plug, and after failing twice, he managed to get the TV plug back in. The video game turned back on, showing that it had been paused, and the other ninja quickly resumed playing. Sensei Wu pulled on his beard in frustration, and groaned at the ninja's antics. Zane, hearing the groan, turned to Sensei Wu with a determined face. Sensei Wu didn't know if that was because of the video game, or the training. "Don't worry master. We will be ready when Lord Garmadon returns." He turned back to his game, and at that moment, Nya, Kai's younger sister, ran in, out of breath. "Guys! Lord Garmadon! He's returned! He was spotted approaching Jamanakai Village!" 

Lego Ninjago Rewrite, Season 1, Rise of the SnakesWhere stories live. Discover now