Chapter 1: The End

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We were walking in the forest, hand in hand, silent.

The nerves in my body were singing. This is bad, this is very bad, the voice in my head repeated again and again. Edward, beside me, was completely expressionless, as stony-faced as his skin was hard and cold; still, though, I could see that something in his eyes was off, something that sent fear hissing through me.

I knew it had something to do with what had happened on my birthday, just two days ago now. I had gotten a papercut unwrapping my presents. Obtaining an injury at my own birthday party was a normal, Bella-like thing to do. But, with vampires all around me, it had quickly escalated, because my blood was more than just blood to them—it was food.

Nothing had happened; Carlisle had swept me away quickly, before anyone could suck my veins dry. Still, ever since, Edward had been acting... strange. First, he'd kissed me too passionately, like he was saying goodbye—and then he had sort of frozen. Started acting so cold it was like he was a robot.

He pulled me toward the east side of the yard, where the forest encroached. I followed unwillingly, trying to think through the panic. It was what I wanted, I reminded myself. The chance to talk it all through. So why was the panic choking me?

We'd gone only a few steps into the trees when he stopped. We were barely on the trail—I could still see the house.

Some walk.

I gazed around. The trees here looked how I felt—sick. The one I had picked to lean on was graying, its bark peeling off in strips, its falling leaves edged with mold. Slime dripped from a knot near the tree's roots.

Edward stared at me, his expression unreadable.

"Okay, let's talk," I said. I sounded braver than I felt.

He took a deep breath.

"Bella, we're leaving."

I took a deep breath, too. This was an acceptable option. I thought I was prepared. But I still had to ask.

"Why now? Another year—"

"Bella, it's time. How much longer could we stay in Forks, after all? Carlisle can barely pass for thirty, and he's claiming thirty-three now. We'd have to start over soon regardless."

His answer confused me. I thought the point of leaving was to let his family live in peace. Why did we have to leave if they were going? I stared at him, trying to understand what he meant.

He stared back coldly. And with a roll of nausea, I realized I'd misunderstood.

"When you say we..."

"I mean my family and myself," he said.

I shook my head mechanically, trying to clear it. He waited patiently. It was a few minutes before I could speak.

"Okay," I said. "I'll come with you."

"You can't, Bella. Where we're going... is not the right place for you."

"Where you are is the right place for me."

"I'm no good for you, Bella."

"Don't be ridiculous." I wanted to sound angry, but I just sounded like I was begging. "You're the very best part of my life."

"My world is not for you."

"What happened with Jasper—that was nothing, Edward! Nothing!"

"You're right," he said. "It was exactly what I should have expected."

"You promised. In Phoenix, you promised you would stay—"

"As long as that was best for you," he interrupted.

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