Chapter Three

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(The outfit above is what you're wearing because I think it fits the school colors decently, but if you don't like it, feel free to imagine something else!)

"Welcome everybody, to the Seabrook High Presidential electoral ceremony!" Principal Lee exclaimed excitedly from behind the pedestal, smiling enthusiastically as the crowd of students clapped. You stood in your spot next to Eliza, sketchbook resting on one arm as you doodled a sketch of Addison and Bree who stood right in front of you.

"I wonder who's going to win?" You whispered dryly to Eliza, eyeing the rest of the cheerleaders who were practically buzzing with anticipation. Of course that meant that Bucky had some sort of surprise entrance planned. He could never just show up like a normal person.

Even when your parents had invited him to your 8 year old birthday party, he made sure to arrive through the back door with a confetti cannon and a shimmering golden sash that read 'number one cousin.' You didn't have any more parties after that one, though that didn't stop him from crashing all of Addison's in a similar fashion.

"Yeah, well, Bucky might have some competition this year." Eliza said halfheartedly, scanning around the room almost nervously as if looking for someone. Your eyebrows furrowed and you tried to follow her gaze, but you couldn't focus with all of the noise around you, so you ended up shrugging it off and continuing your sketching.

       Since you could remember, your ears had been somewhat oversensitive to the world around you. As much as you loved supporting Addison in her cheering, you often couldn't go to the football games for the sole reason of your hearing being overwhelmed. Your parents claimed it wasn't anything to worry about, and that it was perfectly normal. You had the suspicion that they actually just didn't want anything else to be different about you.

       You blinked in surprise as your thoughts were pulled back to the present by the loud sound of the band starting to play in the middle of the principal's awkward ramble, the cheerleaders joining in on their preppy chanting automatically.

       The rustling of their pompoms and cheering were soon joined by the other students' sounds of surprise and excitement as posters folded open all over the room with Bucky's face all over them. You cringed into yourself a bit, fighting back the urge to leave rather than to witness your cousin boasting about his own existence again.

      The crowd of cheerleaders split in half, encouraging the students behind them to do the same. At the end of the line of people, you saw Bucky posing over excitedly, then go straight into a round off triple back handspring that ended in a flip on the stage. You and your cousin really didn't get along, but he never failed to impress you with his natural gymnastics abilities.

       The crowd of students cheered loudly as he bowed, prancing over to the pedestal by the principal, "Great news! We have a brilliant and cheer tested candidate running for president this year." He said a bit arrogantly, yet somehow still keeping up his super positive act, "Me!"

       The cheerleaders all started chanting his name, waving their pom poms to encourage the crowd to join in as well, "Bucky! Bucky! Bucky!" You huffed in slight annoyance at how quickly the whole school joined in, trying to zone out the noise as you penciled in some shading in Addison's white hair.

       Startled shouts of surprise sounded out as you looked up to see Zed flipping in the air and slamming into the ground clumsily. You started to push through the crowd to go see if he was okay, but he immediately jumped up as if nothing had happened. Everyone stopped their cheering and switched to confused murmuring.

       "Woohoo!!" Zed shouted on his adrenaline rush, taking his place at the now empty podium, "Hello everyone! My name is Zed, and I am running for president!" You grinned widely, slipping your sketchbook  under your arm so that you could clap for Zed and join in with the other zombies' cheering. As you looked around, you were happy to see lots of other humans applauding as well.

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