chapter two

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"there has been an accident " the man said .

ally fell to her knees and every single horrible scenario that she imagined the past 2 hours came to life , she tried to ask about what happened but no voice came out .However , the man on the other line told her about what happened and now when she looks back at that day , the phone call was nothing but vague memories and all she could catch from it was the name of a hospital . 

she grabbed her key and carried max to the neighbors , knocked on the door like a mainiac until mrs.lambert opened the door .

" ally , oh dear what's going on ? "

" my parents accident " ally sobbed .

" oh my gosh , george , get over here george " mrs.lambert called . 

mr.lambert came down running " mattelda what's going on , oh ally hello " 

" there has been an accident and her parents are in the hospital "mrs.lambert explained.

" please mrs.lambert take care of max , i have to go to the hospital " ally cried .

" wait i'm coming with you " said mr.lambert and they both got into the car. 

during the ride to the hospital ally couldn't stop thinking about all the possibilities , though deep down she knew it was too late and she knew that life will no longer be the same but she refused to surrender to the dark shadow lurking all over her mind , and she tried to hold on to and small thread of hope that everything will be okay and even a small part of her prayed for this to be just a dream and that she will wake up and find her mother making dinner and her father is with max in the backyard playing , but she knew it's impossible because the pounding in her heart and the shaking of her hand feels so real to be illusion . 

they reached the hospital and she raced tward the resiption they told her a floor number that she can't remember and she reached a closed door panting , after few seconds a doctor came out to tell her that the dark shadows invaded her life and occupied it and turned everything to gray . 

" i'm sorry they didn't make it " with a look of pity and all her life shattered to pieces , she couldn't think , she couldn't comprehend what was going on and suddenly everything turned black .


she opened her eyes in slowly taking in her surrounding , something felt wrong and she had no idea where she was and then everything clicked and she remembered everything , the accident , the hospital , her parents and she broke down into tears . 

Ally stayed like this for a while , she would wake up then have a breakdown and the doctors put her to sleep and the round would go all over again until ally's condition was stable again .

the day she dreaded the most came , she put on a black dress and max was in a black suit and they both went to church , they were greeted by neighbors and friends and other people that they have never seen before and each one was giving them pity looks and words and the whole situation was too much handle . 

everyone was sat and they all listened to the preach telling his prayer and asking people to pray and for their souls , then the time came for ally's speech , so she got up and stood by their graves and it was the hardest thing ever . 

" uhm okay so i've never done this before and i never thought i would have to  write a speech to my parents funreal one day at least not in this age so i did not really prepared a speech but those two people who are lying here , i don't need a speech to talk about them ,to talk about what great people they were . i don't have to prepare a piece of paper to remind me of my mother's smile every morning or the smell of my father's pipe mixed with coffe scent on the breakfast table , i don't need a speech to remember how much they loved each other and i guess their love was so strong that it took them away together , and most of all diffenitly don't need a speech to remember how much they loved us and how much they were proud of us , they gave us the best life we can ever have and taught us all the lessons we needed to learn but it never seems enough and we didn't have enough of them but i guess this is the thing about life  it can never give you everything and you would be a fool to think otherwise , i had to learn this the hard way and i guess this is the last lesson my parents wanted to teach me "

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