Hippity Hoppity What the Fuck Are You Doing On My Property-

56 4 13


Ok I'm sorry about that, random crackhead energy moment-

Ima just shut up now and get on with my experience...


Yeah, the title's really misleading, sorry about that, but anyway-

So this happened just before school started, like legitimately the night before first day of school. So I was sent to bed at a regular time, gotta get back on my school sleep schedule TvT                    

        Anyways, I was I my bed, looking at my texts right before I go to sleep, my group chat was blowing up and it was annoying the shit outta me so I just hid alerts. I got under the covers and just before I fall asleep I hear a knock right behind me. So the layout of my room is kinda weird, my bed is set in the middle of the back wall, leaving a small space on either end, just big enough to fit a side table and to get into my closet. I was laying with my back facing the closet,so this came from my closet. This was a straight-up KNOCK, not a thud or a scrape, like if something fell. I wasn't about to call out like a complete idiot and ask if someone's there, and I wasn't going to move, either. I just tensed up and screwed my eyes shut for the next 20 minutes, and nothing happened. I then relaxed, thinking it was the furnace or something, but when I turned around to see the closet, standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame, was a fucking silhouette. I swear to fucking god, it looked like Hoodie. That scared the living shit out of me and I screamed. The figure jumped and disappeared, and my dad came rushing in to see what was wrong. I lied and told him it was a nightmare, he wouldn't believe me otherwise.He then left and I texted my friend who did believe in Creepypastas, she freaked out and told me to grab some sort of weapon and keep it under my pillow. Long story short, I now have a pair of scissors under my pillow at night, and a Swiss Army Knife on me at all times. Those are the only two weapons I have, but I've done some serious damage with a Swiss Army Knife, please bear with me here. I fell asleep and that morning when I was putting away clothes in my hamper, I noticed something. Under a hoodie that certainly wasn't there before, I vividly remembered hanging it up the day before, was a necklace that I haven't seen in years. It was a silver necklace that my grandma gave it to me when I was younger, and when I moved from my cramped apartment to my townhouse, I thought I'd lost it two years before. But there it was, clear as day, sitting in the middle of my closet, under a hoodie that I certainly hadn't moved, no note, nada, nothing. Yeah, might not sleep for the next few days....


PHEW! My eyes are aching and my fingers are sore but I am DONE! Daily fact of the day:

Daily fact: Ticci Toby is actually transgender (boy to girl) and now goes by Tina.

Daily tip: Hoodie is usually equipped with a gun. Unless you are fucking bulletproof or some shit, or you also have a gun (50-50 chance between the two of you, depends on how many bullets you have left and how good your aiming, speed, and agility is) or you welcome death with open arms, I suggest you either run like Offender wants you with him tonight, or accept your fate and say your goodbyes to the world. 

That's all for now! Adios! 

                              -Banana Power has left the chat-

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