Hetalia! Gemany x Reader

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This is for my friend who is madly in love with GERMANY. I want to apologize to for because this might be too innocent for her taste haha... but please Don't hurt me. I was only kidding well kinda kidding about that. Ok I should shut up now.

I do not own Hetalia

You turned your music all the way up as you approached your favorite trail that you always went on to get away from everyone and enjoy nature. You were alone and enjoyed the peace. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you didn’t notice the huge stick and tripped over it, then you felt someone's hand touch your shoulder and you let out a loud shriek. By then your ipod had fallen as well so you heard the loud thump someone else fell too. You grabbed the stick ready to harm the pervert that followed you into the woods, you were hoping it wasn’t that damn France.

“(name) I’m sorry to have startled you! I just saw you coming here I just finished my training and thought I’d join you.” The red faced German said with a startled look on his face.

Your face turned a dark shade of crimson red, feeling like an idiot you dropped the stick. Germany was the last person you wanted to hurt. “No, don’t apologize it’s my fault I just panicked, I really am sorry.”

“It’s ok, but I’ll only forgive you if you would allow me to take a walk with you” he said as he picked up your ipod, he looked at what was playing and then his face was the one that turned red when he looked at the screen. He handed it back to you, and you realized it was his version of Marukaite Chikyuu.

“You really are a wonderful singer.” You said as you continued on the path. Suddenly he grabbed you by the hand and pulled you back.

“You really like how I sing? No one has ever said that to me, Austria always makes fun of me for that song. Thanks a lot for saying that it means alot to me, now come on lets go” he said as he extended his hand to to you, and you happily accepted it. You were a bit surprised that he wanted hold your hand he usually didn’t show much emotion, it made you happy to see this side of him. You had always had a HUGE crush on him but you were afraid to say anything. You walked in silence for a while then he suddenly stopped walking.

“Germany is there somthing wrong?”

“(name).... ICH LIEBE DICH! You are so smart pretty and funny” it was silent for a while, you were shocked to hear this. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t of said anything, I shouldn’t of...” you cut him off with a hug.

“I love you too Germany” now come on lets go while the weather is still nice.

So I've never written one of these before, so it's not very good but I'll get better at it... eventually. 

 Comment and tell me what you think, should I write more or just go die and never write again

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