blossom; 群花

586 37 81

"So," Hyejin wiggles her eyebrows at Wheein in an obnoxious manner as the other walks into the kitchen the next morning. "Did lovesick Prince Charming get into your pants last night?"

"You're an ass," Wheein grumbles in displeasure, opening one of the cabinets to grab a mug. "You were the one who told him I was on first shift last night, weren't you?"

"Whoa, whoa, I wouldn't go as far as to say that," Hyejin takes a bite out of the bagel she made for herself before Wheein walked in. "Let's just say I couldn't resist his pleading puppy eyes when he insisted on talking to you in private. What can I say? I'm weak when it comes to young love."

Wheein rolls her eyes in exasperation at her friend's antics. "We're the same age."

Hyejin shrugs. "Doesn't change the fact that I'm a romantic. Oh, by the way, there's no more cream cheese. I just used up the rest."

"Fuck you." Wheein groans, giving up her pointless search for the last of the nonexistent cream cheese and looking around to see if there's any more cereal sitting around. They'll have to send out a team to scavenge some new abandoned grocery store locations soon for more supplies. "And no, there was no getting into anyone's pants last night. Nothing happened, we just talked."

"Damn it," Hyejin sighs in disappointment, "All of my hard work gone to waste because of you two. I even dramatically stormed out on you the other day hoping it'd make you realize how silly you're acting."

"I'm not-"

"Save the excuses," Hyejin shakes her head. "I'm just trying to help you all out, whether you can see it or not."

"Morning," A soft, low voice calls from behind Wheein and she spins around in surprise. Speak of the devil.

"Taehyung-ah!" Hyejin crows in delight, her eyes lighting up with far too much investment in her matchmaking. "Right on time, I was just asking Wheein how your evening together last night went."

"It was good," Taehyung smiles at Wheein with just about the fondest look in his eyes (damn him), and she isn't sure if her stomach is flipping from nervous butterflies or just pure hunger. She gets her answer almost immediately when Taehyung walks over and wraps his arms around Wheein's torso, resting his chin at the top of her head and slotting himself against her as though it were the most natural thing in the world.

Definitely not the hunger.

Hyejin's eyebrow looks close to flying off of her face at how high it's raised, a shit-eating grin spread wide across her face. "This isn't exactly what 'nothing happened last night' looks like, Whee."

Taehyung looks smug as he resists Wheein's embarrassed attempts to loosen his hold on her and hums with far too much satisfaction. "Wheein said she liked me back last night."

"I-" Wheein sputters, her face as red as a tomato. "That's beside the point!"

"You lying bitch, that's the entire point!" Hyejin points an accusatory finger at her best friend. "What did you think I wanted to hear? You two debated folding versus crumpling toilet paper all night and just went your separate ways after?! C'mon Whee, I'm your best friend!"

"I'm- we're- nothing happened-" Her stammering does absolutely nothing to convince her friend otherwise.

"We're taking it slow, easing into things," Taehyung finally speaks up once again, nuzzling into the nape of Wheein's neck in far too good of a mood. "But that doesn't mean I can't coddle her until she's ready to be with me."

"I'm not a child, I don't need coddling! And what makes you think-"

"Good morning everybo- oh," Chaeyoung pauses in the kitchen entryway upon seeing the scene in front of her. She can't help but stare at the blatant public display of affection before her eyes and the playful smile that briefly flits across her lips tells Wheein that Jimin and just about everyone in their friend group will soon be hearing about this moment. "I... I take it that I missed some sort of important development last night."

peach blossom; 桃花 || jung wheein x kim taehyungWhere stories live. Discover now