Chapter 1. A peppermint tea and your number... to go please.

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This is a story by LiLaLeoniiie translated by happilyevertomlinson

I hope you guys like the story as much as I do!

I'd be very happy about every vote and comment. Just like Leonie :)

Accompany Louis and Eleanor through their story. Hopefully you will have fun there will be a few disasters but of course very much romantic and new friendships.


"What can I bring you?" I asked and smiled to the older woman, who was still reading the menu. She moved her lips silent reading the words and I stroke my hair behind my ear patiently. Behind her was already a small queue of customers but she didn't discourage because of that. It was a quite funny situation but I couldn't risk my job just to amuse myself about the fact that some people might miss their bus or train just because a granny couldn't decide between herbal tea and a slice of cake. So I bended forward too gave her a hint but suddenly there was a bit of trouble coming up. I looked at the queue confused. I heard a few people protest and then I saw a young man with a hood and a pair of sunglasses pushing himself in front of the lady. I looked at him shocked but he seemed to ignore that and took his sunglasses of. For a short moment our eyes met and my heart made a jump until I pulled myself together and looked at him angrily while he was just smiling sassy.

"A peppermint tea please."

"Have you lost your manners buddy?" I started angrily. I didn't care at all about the fact, that I usually have to be polite to my customers. I mean he pushed himself in the front so rudely!

"I said 'please' didn't I?" I stared at him perplexed. Who does he thinks he is?

"Hello?" he asked and waved with his hand in front of my face to catch my attention. The crowd in the back was beginning to get unpatient and the old woman looked at him outraged. I pulled my eyebrows together and glared at him.

"I am not deaf! But you have to go to the end of the queue like a normal person and wait until I take your order." Too make myself clear I crossed my arms infront of my chest and nodded with my head in the direction he had to go. He chuckled quietly.

"I am really hurried. Don't you know who I am?" he asked tilting his head to the side and looked at me thoughtfully. Of course I knew who was standing in front of me. I wasn't living behind the moon.

"Louis Tomlinson from One Direction, so?" I said looking unimpressed at him and saw, much too my pleasure, that his smile cracked a bit. He cleared his throat and looked at me prompting again.

"Could I get my tea now? I've got to go to the recording studio." he explainend himself with pleading tone in his voice but I shook my head again and pointed at the end of the queue. Much to my shock he remainend standing in front of me and looked at me stubbornly. My hands clenched into fists and I bended a bit forward too him.

"If you don't want me to hop up and down shouting that there is a member of One Direction in front of me, like a small teenager, I would do exactly that or leave the shop." Instead of taking my threat serious he began to grin brightley and raised one of his eyebrows.

"Would you really do that?" He asked and I snapped for air before I looked at the protesting croowd again.

"1..." I said looking at him again. And his bright grin was still in his face. I really had no problem with that. I was used to much more embarrassing things... to fall on the runway was way worse, which I knew too good.

"2..." I said looking at his reaction and looked around the shop, yes, there are definitetly enough teenager.. Mister One Direction followed my glances and I could see doubts coming up. Confident of my victory I opened my mouth again and just how I assumend he held his hands up and moved a bit to the side so that the old lady stood in front of me.

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