seed of life

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Let's start from the beginning,
When we were just dandelion seeds wandering in the soft wind.
When we didn't really know we were alive, when we didn't feel anything.
We just thought we were happy cause we weren't sad.
That moments will never come back.
That moments are gone.
"How can you miss that times if you don't remember what happened? " Someone once told me" Well they were surely better than this" I responded.
But truth is I don't want to feel nothing I'm just trying to fill myself with poems and thoughts.
I was so alone I didn't think socializing would be so important in life.
Just a dandelion seed, that's what I was.
I don't really know why but I always thought why they know more than me socially speaking, I was good at school, but not with friends, I didn't have any and it made me think I was weird for like all my life, cause nobody really wanted to stay with me, and I know why.
The truth question is why I wasn't like them?

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