Chapter 2 Avengers age of Ultron

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The avengers are attacking a unknown base as Ironman bounces of the force field, Green Jaguar running taking out guards

"Shit" said Ironman

"Language Stark, is someone with Raf or are you letting the kid kick some ass in?" asked Captain America

"The kid 10 he can look after himself Cap" replied tribrid girl

"Loki's sceptre must be here, Strucker couldn't have used this defence without the sceptre" Thor explained "at long last I will return the sceptre home"

Soldiers start shooting at them as Green Jaguar uses telekinesis to stop the bullets and Black widow knocks some soldiers down whilst Hawkeye shoots arrows at them as Cap puts his shield up

"Fuck" said Cap

"Wait a second, no one else gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said Language?" asked Ironman

"I know, it just slipped out" replied Cap

Pietro speeds past knocking Hawkeye over as Hawkeye gets shot at, Black Widow runs to Hawkeye and sighs

"Can someone take the big gun down please?" asked Black widow

Hulk comes running and smashes the machine gun whilst Green Jaguar comes face to face with someone from his past as he stammers "U-un-uncle?"

"Aww Rafael what a nice surprise so it's true you have joined the avengers then you will die like them, Rosalie you can kill him"

"Rosalie?" questioned Green Jaguar "wait you took my twin sister away from me"

Rosalie flies and lands in front of Green Jaguar and uses telekinesis to throw Green Jaguar to the side who groans in pain and stands up and looks around he sets his whole body on fire and grabs Rosalie and throws her at Pietro who falls over and groans

"Who is the kid Rosalie?" he asked

"My twin who betrayed me" answered Rosalie

Ironman looks at Iron boy and smiles "we are good to go, the base is down I repeat the base is down" shouted ironman, Green Jaguar takes of running towards the building as Captain America watches

"Kid stop do not approach it's too dangerous" shouted Cap

"Clint hit guys" shouted Black Widow

"I can get Barton to the jet, the sooner we are gone the better. You and Stark secure the sceptre and look after the kid" explained Thor

Thor goes to Clint and picks him up and takes him to the Jet, Green Jaguar runs inside the base breathing heavily and sees Strucker and uses telekinesis to throw him into a wall as Wanda creeps up behind him but Green Jaguar turns around and uses telekinesis to hold her but she fights back. Cap runs into the room but Wanda uses telekinesis to knock Cap down as Green Jaguar smirks and uses his water powers to burst the pipes

Cap speaks through his earpiece "We have a second enhanced and now Green Jaguar just took her out and he knocked Strucker out as well" he looks at Green Jaguar "calm down"

"He kidnapped my sister, experimented on me and now turned my sister against me so now I won't fucking calm down" shouted Green Jaguar "don't even tell me to watch my language either"

"Kid calm down" said Ironman "anyway I got the tesseract so now we are good to go back to the base so I meet everyone on the jet" he picks up the tesseract and leaves heading the jet where everyone else is

"Thor report on the Hulk" said Natasha

"The gates of hell is full of screams from his victims" replied Thor who looks at Bruce "Uh, but, not the screams of the dead, of course. No no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and, and uh... and gout"

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