Bad Dream

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It is middle of the night. The moon is shining brightly. In a not so far away bushes, a loud men's voices can be heard.

"Mr. Thomas, please let me explain. I beg you. Don't do this to me, just for the sake of my long time service to you." The man begged Mr. Thomas who is holding a gun pointing to his forehead.

"Long time service!? Really!? I gave you just one simple instruction but you failed me! You are a liar and a traitor! You don't deserve my mercy!" Mr. Thomas said with full of anger and disappointment.

The man kneeled and begged.

"Sir, please spare my life. I only did what I think is right. The child is innocent and she deserves to live. Can't you just let us go this time? We will never let ourselves be seen by the Williams. I swear to you! Please don't kill me! I beg you!" The man said, being terrified.

"You swear!? Haha! 15 years ago you also swear to do what I commanded you! Just a simple, 'kill the child and never comeback!' I even gave you 10 million as a reward but what did you do!? You kept the child alive. What's more! I even saw her with my own bare eyes!" Mr. Thomas said and slap the gun to the man's head.

"Sir! Please have mercy on me. I swear, this time, we will leave the country and won't come back. I will hide my family as far as the Williams could see. Please! I beg you! I want to live and be with my family." The man begged so hard.

"Family huh!? So the child is your family now!? Don't worry, after I kill you, you're so called family will be next. Then! That for sure will hide you to the Williams! Hahaha.... aahh! Sh*t!" Mr. Thomas said but he was caught off guard.

The man was able to throw the gun out of Mr. Thomas's hands. They now started to fight fist by fist. The Man is more masculine than Mr. Thomas and he is now winning against him.

"JUST LET ME GO!" The man said and tried to run off while Mr. Thomas is lying on the ground.

"NEVER!" Mr. Thomas said.

(Boogsshh!)- gunshot

The man was hit on the back near its spinal and drop to the moist ground. Blood is flowing from the fresh wound made by the gun shot.

There was a moment of silence.


"I-I'm s-so sorry Dad! I-I don't know what to do. I-I just saw you two fighting and then t-this gun, this gun, I saw it on the ground. D-Dad, is he dead? Did I kill him?" A young man from unexpected corner appeared. He is afraid, guilty and terrified of what just happened.

"It's okay son, no one will know about what happened. Give me that gun." Mr. Thomas said, grabbed the gun and put it on his back.

"But I-I killed him Dad. I killed a person!" The young man said.

"It's okay Son, go back in the hotel and call my secretary, tell him to go here and to bring a car." He said to his son.

"O-okay?" He is still confused and afraid.

"Son! Come closer to me. What happened tonight must be buried along with this dead man. Understand? You should not tell anyone about this, not even to your mom. Promise me that you will bring this secret even in to your dreams and tell no one. You got that!?" Mr. Thomas said while holding his son's shoulders, looking at him, eye to eye.

"I-I promise Dad." He said.

"Now Go!"

And the young man run as fast as he could and faded into the darkness.


"Mr. Timothy Gates? Mr. Gates! Are you okay? Sir, wake up!" Mr. Smith said while trying to wake mr. Gates.

"Huh!?" Mr. Gates blurted. Fear can be seen from his face.

" Another bad dream?" Mr. Smith asked.

"No. What's my schedule this afternoon ?" Mr. Gates said.

"It's already 7 in the evening sir, you fell asleep for quite a long time. You need to go home now." He said.

"Is that so. Okay. Just send me my schedule for tomorrow, and by the way, how's Alexa?" Mr. Gates said.

" She did well today. I also recieved my info that she topped her exam. Oh! To inform you, next week will be her last photoshoot and she's done with the contract." He said.

" Well then make her stay. Give her a job inside the company." He said with no any emotion in his face.

" Sir, I think that will be a problem. I already talked to her and her manager but she will not be accepting any offer for now after our contract with her. She did not tell the reason why, but she said it is personal." He said.

"You're useless." Mr. Gates said emotionless and went off the office.

"There you go again....." mr. Smith said silently, as if he is used to that kind of attitude he is showing him.


Short Update. ❤️

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