Chapter 2

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Max P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of Dr. Colosso's voice, chatting with his son Balfour. It's been two years since the two were reunited by Phoebe. Which by the way, it turned into a total disaster. Balfour turned evil and wanted to take revenge on our family for 'imprisoning' Colosso. Luckily, us seeing our family in danger unlocked our awesome twin power!(Not really, it was actually because Phoebe and I had never held hands before. Do not tell anyone!). As a result, we defeated Balfour and decided to turn him into a bunny as punishment, just like Colosso. Since then, the two of them won't shut up, and they're always spreading mischief around the house.

I grabbed my super hero uniform, and started getting dressed.

"I'm still wondering, how did I come to be dad?" asked Balfour.

"Well," Colosso started,"when a daddy and a mommy love each other very much they-"

I knew where this conversation was going, so I used my telekinesis to glue his mouth shut so he wouldn't continue that sentence.

"Mmm, MmMmm!" Colosso struggled to speak.

"Sorry Colosso, I don't think that's what Balfour meant," I said and released his mouth.

"Ugh, why did you do that?" Colosso asked.

"Relax, I did you a favor, I saved you from a very embarrassing conversation with your son. You're welcome."

"You dirin't have to shut me up though!" Colosso yelled angrily.

"Oh, I know that, however, watching you struggle was a great bonus." I left my lair laughing, and headed towards the kitchen to catch breakfast.

To my surprise, my sister Phoebe was the only one at the kitchen table. She was eating some french toast and looking through her phone at the same time.

'I wonder were everybody else is'

"Where is everybody?"

"Morning to you too Max. Mom and dad took Chloe to school, and Billy and Nora went on their first morning patrol," Phoebe responded.

Now that I think about it, I never stopped to realize how much my younger siblings had grown. Since Phoebe and I were so busy handleling the T-force, we decided to hand our old duty as protectors of Hiddenville to Billy and Nora. Billy was now 14, and Nora was 13. They're still young and under training, but they have proved to be very capable kids.

I push the thought aside and grabbed some toast and orage juice for myself. "It's kind of a relief to know that Hiddenville is in good hands."

"I know, Billy and Nora will do a great job. I'm so proud of them both," said Phoebe.

"Yeah, but they'll never be as good as us. I mean c'mon, we'll always be the OG."

"Max stop trying to make our siblings less, that's not nice," Phoebe warned.

"Fine. Hey, you excited about our 18th birthday next week?"

"Oh my goodness yes," Phoebe started, "but maybe we should do something small this time."

"Why's that?" I questioned.

"Don't you remember what happened the last time we threw a birthday party for ourselves?" Phoebe asked.

Oh, now I remember. We were at Mrs. Wong's pizza place having an awesome time with our friends, but we had complications the whole night. We didn't even get to enjoy our own party.

I came back from my memory. "Yeah, I guess you're right. . ."

Suddenly, I have a brilliant idea.

"Hey, why don't we have our party at the T-force headquartes?" I suggested.

Phoebe looks at me with a smile on her face. "That's an awesome idea Max, it'll be the perfect place for a small event with our family and work friends!"

"I know, I'm a genious!"

"Don't flatter yourself," Phoebe said. Still smiling.

"I'm not, I'm just stating the facts," I started, "now come on, we have to get to work or we'll be late."

"Since when do you care if we are late for anything?" Phoebe asked.

"I don't, I just can't wait to show off my awesome super hero skills to the new recruits."

My sister smiled, got up, and we both headed to our backyard. We got inside the Thundervan, buckled up, and ordered the van to take us to Metroburg.

Phoebe P.O.V

I've always loved the trips to Metroburg. You see beautiful, tall, modern buildings on every turn, and people walking around going on with their day. In comparison, Max just plays around with buttons from the Thundervan. He has grown in character. However, he still has that childish escense in him.

We reached T-force HQ(Headquarters), and drove the van inside. We hop off, and walked through the hall that connected the garage to the main building. Everyone greeted us and then went back to work. To our left, the invention hallway was full of scientists and engineers creating gadgets usefull for battles. To our right, training rooms were being used by super heroes in training. The walls of the rooms were made of glass, so you could see what they were doing.

"Later Pheebs, gotta go train some newbies," Max said.

As he left, I spotted Simone Kickbutt by the training rooms, and I approached her.

"Morning Simone."

She turned towards me, with happiness in her eyes.

"Morning Thunderman," Simone responded.

"C'mon Simone, I don't really like my crew members calling me by my last name," I said uncomfortably.

"Well, you're going to have to get used to it someday, since you're our boss and all," Simone responded playfully.

"Alright," I started,"anyway, I wanted to ask you something very important."

"What is it boss?" Simone asked.

"How would you like to become my super assistant?!" I blurted. I was so excited, but I noticed the young girl wasn't very intrigued by the offer.

"Umm, I would. . . love too?"

She held a small smile on her face, but I wasn't convinced. Maybe she wans't meant to be my super assistant after all.

"Simone, if you don't want to take the job, I totally understand," I assured her.

"I'm sorry, its just," Simone started, "I don't want to be stuck behind a desk all day long. I want to fight crime, but I also want to share my skills with people like me. I'm also new here, and I want to figure out what my purpose is."

I felt kind of disappointed by her response, I really wanted for her to take this job. I couldn't recruit my best friend Cherry for distance problems and safety measures, and I thought that maybe I could have another one of my friends as super assistant. However, I knew it was her decision.

I smiled at her. "I understand, and I truly hope you find your place in the HQ."

Simone gave me a hug, and went back to watching the training sessions. Now that I think about it, I always see her near the training grouds. Oh well.

I considered Simone to be my super assistant after I knew my best friend Cherry couldn't. I thought she would be great at it, but I guess it just wasn't the job for her. Max read right through me when I gave the whole 'She'll gain responsibility' speech'. I guess that deep down I was just trying to keep Simone out of trouble, and what I asked of her was really selfish. I'll have to find someone else, but in the mean time, I have to focus on other things. I went to work, until the sun started setting.

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