Part~2~The bus ride

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~I am sorry the last part was short but here we go with the 2nd part so hope you enjoy~

You run out of the place a quick as possible and run trying to make sure your feet don't get hurt luckily the odds were in your favour and you got there in time to get the bus you went to the back you always sit at the back because you love it there and how no one disturbs you in the back. You put in your earphones and put on your sad play list because you were sad your best friend didn't show up but also for some reason you started thinking about past relationships which made you even more sad because all your boyfriends cheated on you making you feel like you are not good enough even though you already know that deep down...your train of thought stops as the bus comes to a halt..and a man with blonde hair and red wings hops on the bus you take out an ear piece to see if he had anything to say... he was about to say something but then a person said "omg this is unbelievable it is hawks the winged hero" you put your ear piece back in because you didn't like hero's or should I say you hated go back to focusing on your music but you can't cancel out the noise of fan girls so you take out your headphones and say to everyone with all the bravery you have " Hey! Will you be quite I'm trying to listen to my sad music you fangirls! It's not that big of a deal to see a hero you see them every day for gods sake!! Oh my fucking god stay quite!!" They all look at me surprised like they we not expecting such a rude thing to come out of someone's of them say "Hey! You can't speak like that to us! That's not fair!" Then y/n said "Really you want to talk about fairness!! Oh okay try being abused your whole life..and sold to men who do things to you that you don't my honey I know the meaning of an unfair life..oh and don't forget the parents who abused me as well! So be quite and sit down and shut up!! Please" I say loosing my voice and starting to get tears in my eyes breaking down then one of the girls said "oh my gosh I'm really sorry I will sit down right away and be quite..I am really really sorry" and I said crying "I-it's o-ok i-i-I forgive y-you" then I get a tissue and wipe my face with it getting rid of my tears and put my headphones back in everyone sat down and the hero came to the back and sat at the back on the other side of the long seat put in his head phones and looked out the window as I did the same the whole way to work no one on the bus said anything not even the hero..when I realised I got to my stop I said thank you to everyone for being quite even the hero..yes I did say thank you to hawks and when I did he said it's ok it's no problem and he smiled after he said that and funny enough we got off at the same stop and also again funnily enough we worked in the same place even though I have never seen him before I think to my self ~I wonder if he just started working here~ we got inside and he said "Do you mind taking me to the top floor I'm going to start working there" and I thought to myself again ~No fucking way me and this bird brain are going to be working on the same level~ then I said "You can follow me" on the way up he said "Thank you..bye now" but then he realised I got out of the elevator as well and said "Do you work on this level?" I said "Yes I do actually which is really funny isn't it" he just smiled and said "I would love to work on the same level as someone as beautiful as you" and smirked and then I rolled my eyes playfully and I said this a flirty as possible I said "Yeah It would be nice working with some as sexy and hot and good looking as you" and I just bit my lip and winked and started to walk away but then I herd him say "Hey two things first what is your name? And second how do you expect me to find out where I need to go?" He said pouting I just said "My name is y/n...and I will help you find out where you need to go..okay bird brain!" As I said that name he said "awwww that's so cute you already have a nickname for me" he put on a thinking looking face and said " how about I call you..*long pause* ahh I got it I am going to call you you like it kid" I just rolled my eyes and said "Yeah I like it bird brain but don't forget I'm just one year younger" than I start laughing which makes him smile which makes me smile as well I think to myself ~omg his smile is sooooo contagious..I love it~ I showed him around to floor and told me the room number funnily enough we were close again...our rooms were right across the hall/walkway so basically if I was standing in front of my door with my back on the door looking straight I would be able to see his name on the door in front of me I think to myself as I sit in my chair waiting for the computer to start ~I can not believe this is happening right now..ok y/n you can do this the situation is not that bad the only bad thing the fact not only are you going to catch the same bus everyday but you and him are going to walk in to the same building go to the same floor and your doors are right across from each other..omg I feel like I'm going to die~ I then say to myself as my computer turns on "omg I didn't have coffee!!" You then go to the kitchen and grap a cup of go back to your room you do some work and finish your coffee really quickly and surprisingly you also finish your work early so you leave your room and get changed to do the thing you hate most....Train....

~To be continued....
Hope you enjoyed I will try to do as many of these in one is 1:30 am where I am but I don't care I'm not sleeping..
See you soon~

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