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A large beast with green skin ran on all fours through the forest. Not long after a cloaked figure followed after. The figure was quick and agile as they hopped up into a tree traveling in them. The beast stood up on its legs as it hit a dead end. Hearing a thud it turned around seeing the small figure. The spikes that resided on its back stood up as it roared at the figure before it. The figure didn't move as it looked at the beast. They lift up their head, piercing e/c eyes stared it the beast in silence. The beast backed up further, it's back hitting the stone. "I am sorry. But you have taken too many lives and have caused too much destruction. As a member of the Druid clan, it is my duty to slay you beast. I am truly sorry." The green beast looked at the figure with sad eyes to which it returned. But the beast knew what he did was wrong and knew his judgment from the gods would soon come. He walked up to the figure before standing on all fours looking them their eyes that held kindness and strength. Putting his head down he awaited for his death.

The the figure put their forehead against the beast's before appearing behind him, their sword now covered in blood. Their eyes were closed as the body of the beast fell to the ground. The figure turned around, walking toward the beast. They put their hand on its side, whispering a prayer. The figure flicked the blood from their sword on the grass before walking away. As they walked away, vines covered the beast.

The trees moved out of the way as the figure walked through the forest. The person lightly brushed their hands against the bark of the tree in thanks. As they walked through the forest the trees returned to their spots. The person smiled a bit as they saw some sprites come toward them. "Hey little guys. You hungry?" The spites let out happy squeaks as the figure stopped, removing their hand from their blade that was now sheathed, reaching into their satchel that she always had with them.

The person gave a kind smile as they handed the sprites a rice ball to split between them. It was plum flavored, sweet, something they found out at a very young age that sprites and fairies like. The small creatures loved their sweets. Though that is where they got their power and energy from. The person waved the sprites goodbye as they continued walking Through the forest that inhabited many magical creatures. But no matter how dangerous they where they all held respect for the person, as they was the protecter of the earth and sea. Yeah, big responsibility for a teen huh. Well a teen in Druid years. Their age? Oh yeah they are 513,475 years old. Or 23 in human years.

As the last of the trees parted the figure smiled as they saw the kingdom of the Druid race. The druids where an elusive race. Their kingdom resides in the middle of the deepest forest. So dense and big that the mortals have named it the infinite forest, making no mortal come anywhere near the druids. They liked it that way anyway. They weren't the fondest of mortals anyway, especially witches. The druids were the most connected to the earth than any other race. Rumors even say that the druids can even speak to the nature around then, and they are right.

As the figure walked through the gates they smiled as they watched all of the people live their lives. They pulled down their hood revealing a beautiful young girl with h/l h/c hair, and soft s/c skin, and two elf ears, as kids ran around her, laughing and smiling. She gave a kind smile as she kicked the ball that the kids were playing with before kicking it a bit away. She smiled as she watched them run off. Hearing the local farmer call her name she grinned as she caught an apple that he tossed to her. She took a bite from it, waving goodbye as she continued walking. The girl smiled until it turned to a smirk, noticing the tavern. Moving her sword so that it rested in her back she trotted up to the door opening it. The bartender rolled his eyes as saw the girl walk in, sitting down in her usual spot.

A young man who would be about 38 in human years plopped on the seat beside her with a grin slinging his arm around her shoulders. "Hahaha! The great y/n l/n has finally returned from her great hunt! And as always for the past twenty years has come to her favorite tavern to drink her usual booze with her fellow guardsmen!" Y/n chuckled as she pushed him away as her drink arrived. "Whatever you damn hobgoblin! And show some more respect to the future captain of the guards." Y/n playfully nudged him with her elbow, before picking up her mug and downing her booze.

The dragon tamer {Kiribaku x reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora