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Y/n looked around wearily as the two walked through the forest. "Heh, I-I guess we can now see why it's called the forest of nightmares, huh." Yvltal blew smoke through his nose as he walked. The sound of a branch snapping made the two perk up as they looked in the direction. "Ahhh! W-what was that?!" y/n looked around frantically. It was silent, before a bunch of giant bats came out of the forest. Y/n growled in annoyance as she drew her sword. Some of the bats seems hesitant seeing the sword but quickly regained posture, charging at the girl. Y/n growled before suddenly appearing on the other side of the bats. You could see an obvious slash in them, before they puffed away in a cloud of smoke. Y/n pulled her hood up again as she sheathed her sword. "Heh, I can't believe I was scared for nothing! Huh Yvltal?!" Yvltal huffed a bit as he walked over to the girl. Y/n smiled happily as she pet his head. Y/n felt like she was being watched and it annoyed her as well as scared her. She could hear a few branches break, making her draw her sword. Yvltal stood beside her ready for an attack. A low growl emitted from the forest making y/n gain a cold sweat. Hearing a snap, y/n quickly turns toward it. Another snap, y/n turned toward it. More and more, the sounds of branches breaking surrounded them quickly. Then suddenly, it stopped. Y/n was confused and looked at Yvltal to see if he knew but saw he was staring at something with a deadly glare. Y/n turned in the direction that Yvltal was looking. Her breath stopped in her throat as she stared at the bright red eyes who stared right back at her. Then, they vanished. Y/n looked around confused, gripping her hilt a bit tighter. Suddenly a force pushed y/n to the ground, making her fall into the mist of the forest. Yvltal roared after y/n as the mist consumed her. Y/n yelled as she rolled down the hill, the weight still on her. Y/n rolled down the hill until she fell off of a cliff, landing in a clearing still in the forest with a thud. Y/n groaned in pain since she landed on her back. Y/n rubbed her head before looking up. Her blood ran cold. Bright red eyes stared down at her. Getting a better look at the person who had her pinned down. Y/n notice that the person was male and had spiky red hair, and shark like teeth that were bared at her. She heard a growl making her look up at the male.

His eyes glowed a bit as he examined the girl beneath him. "What are you doing here hum-elf!" The man changed his words, seeing the girl's pointed ears. His voice deep and slightly frightening as it echoed through the forest. Y/n stared at him before glancing to the side, noticing her sword a good distance away. "Answer me mortal!" Y/n winced from his volume looking up at him. Y/n had to think about what language he was speaking, it took her a minute but she figured it out, though she hadn't used this language since she was a child, so she would apologize later if she said something wrong. "I čämę here searching for thę beast that dwells in thī$ forest." Her accent was more prominent since she wasn't the best at this language, not to mention she could never remember the language name.

The man seems to stare at her for a minute before getting off of the girl, sitting a nice distance away, grinning. "Oh! Well congrats! You found him! Well me, I'm the beast of nightmare forest!" He threw his hands up in the air, as y/n sweat dropped at his actions. "What?" The boy rubbed the back of his neck, a bashful smile on his face. "Oh! And I'm sorry for that whole "scary guy" thing I did earlier! I was just making sure you weren't a hunter, or worse a knight! Also how do you know draconic?" Y/n chuckled a bit looking at him. "Ah! Well I've learned a lot of- wait did you say draconic?!" Y/n grinned in excitement at her own question.

The redhead chuckled a bit. "Yeah, I am. And you're of the elf race?" Y/n stop her internal fan-girling over the dragon before shaking her head. The red head jumped a bit when the girl suddenly appeared beside him. "Ah, no I'm not. But first we should introduce ourselves!" Kirishima was confused until he felt warm breath on his neck. He slowly turned around to see Yvltal staring down at him. Quickly he hid behind y/n, pointing at the creature before him as he held onto y/n. "What is that!" Y/n chuckled petting Yvltal as he pressed his snout against her hand.

The dragon tamer {Kiribaku x reader}Where stories live. Discover now