Ch 12 A Fashionista's Confession

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Early in the morning I awake which I still see Yang asleep

Quietly getting dressed I head over to Olympus for a quick chat with my mother

I soon see my mother standing near my uncle Aeries

Artemis:Y/N Sweetie what are you doing here?

Y/N:Well Mother I was wondering if I can get some wool from the legendary sheep that roams around Olympus?

Aeries:you want some wool from the legendary sheep?

I nod

Artemis:Whatever for my dear child?

Y/N:Well I have a feeling I will be getting more then one girlfriend and I feel as that the wool will be useful for something that might happen today

Artemis:You have a girlfriend already?

Y/N:Yes you met her before when father showed us my dorm room Her name is Yang she was the girl with Blond Hair that you seen hanging around me

Artemis:Well sweetie give me a few minutes and I will have the wool you want

I nod and my mother walks off with Uncle Aeries

After a few minutes the two return holding a bag

Artemis:Here you go sweetie a bag full of the wool from the legendary sheep that roams Olympus

My mother hands me the bag which I give my thanks and return to beacon

Upon returning to beacon I encounter a angry Yang tapping her foot

Yang:And where were you earlier?

Y/N:I was visiting my mother to get a material for later today

Yang:What happens later today?

Y/N:Well I can tell it involves Coco and before you say something yes I know about you Coco's deal about sharing me

Yang:Wait you know about that?

I nod my head as I get dressed for class

Yang then heads back to her dorm to get ready as I then leave with my team

We soon arrive at our first class for today which happens to be professor peaches class

Sometime during class the lunch bell rings and everyone heads to the cafeteria

As we grab our lunches my team and I see cfvy and rwby sitting at the same table my team is heading to

Sitting down Coco asks me a question

Coco:So Handsome Yang told us that something will happen between you and me~?

Y/N:Yes but it will happen after school as I believe that is the best to give you the present I have for you

Coco:You got me a present?

I nod

Coco:What is it?!

Y/N:Sorry Coco it's something that will have to wait til after school is done for today

Ash:*Whisper* what really is it?

Y/N:*Whisper* I'll show you three after school before I show her

My team nods which we continue eating lunch

The bell rings and we head back to class

Timeskip to after the final bell rings

After school has ended I am in my dorm with my team showing what I plan to give Coco

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