Chapter 5

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TW: Knife, gun, blood, self-hate, mentions of bad parents... dreaming about their friends being mean?

Patton's POV:

I woke up at about 3am, Logan was sleeping, I was panting heavily, a tear rolling down my cheek. I had a terrible nightmare. I thought about it and started crying. A. LOT. Logan heard me and sat up. "Why are you crying, Pat?" He asked me. After hearing that, made me think about my dream more. I closed my eyes and started to cry even more. I started to feel dizzy and fell back into the bed, my vision for blurry so I closed my eyes. I thought I heard Logan calling my name, then he was shaking me, but I didn't respond or give any signs that I was awake and ok. After that, I heard Logan scream for everybody to get in here. Next I think I heard sobs. But then, everything went black.

*Flashback to dream*

"Haha, look at him, he's so pathetic, lying there and crying." Virgil said with only hatred in his voice. "What a wimp!" Roman spat. And Logan, he was just staring at me. My mom and mother were pointing and laughing. But all of the sudden, everyone faded away, leaving only me and Logan.

Someone came up behind him with a knife and put it to Logan's neck. The man was wearing a purple cowboy hat, jeans and a red t-shirt. "Logan, noooooooooooooooo!!!"  Everything suddenly turned to dust  that swirled around me, next thing I knew, I was in a light blue dress with sleeves down to my elbows. I saw Logan in a black tuxedo and tie with two different shades of blue.

I was walking down the isle. I soon said my vows. "Logan, you and me are like the sun and the moon, we need each other to survive, but we always had to keep a distance. But now, as we get married, it will be like an eternal eclipse. We will be together for ever more." I finished. And just as me and Logan were about to kiss, the same man shot him from behind.

*End of flashback from dream*

I woke back up at about 9 in the morning, in a hospital bed. Logan was at the foot of the bed, pacing, his hands together over his chest, eyes closed, mumbling: "Please, please, please wake up." over and over again. He looked over at me and tears started rolling down his face.

3rd person POV

"PATTON!! Oh my gosh your awake!!" Logan screamed. The others heard and rushed in. Roman ran over to Patton and hugged him, with Virgil following shortly behind him. Logan was silently crying, not knowing what to do. Roman and Virgil told Patton that it was good to have him back and nodded farewell. The over dramatic boy winked at Logan, Logan blushed at this. Patton asked Logan if he was ok. "W-what? Oh! Yeah I'm-I'm ok..." "You don't sound so sure..." Well, the thing is, Logan wasn't sure, he wasn't sure at all! "Ummm, well it's just that, I've been so emotional! It all started when Roman and Virgil started dating. It's like-well I can't-I can't explain it!" Logan cursed himself for stuttering.

Logan's POV

God damn it! I keep stuttering! Well, Patton probably doesn't like me.

                                                                                    I blew it.

          He hates me.
                                                           I don't deserve to live.
                       Mom was right, I really am just a messed up child.

Patton's POV

"Ok, I believe you, maybe we can talk about it later, Logan." I told him, he looked like he was thinking about something while I said that. Because his expression changed when I did. He looked... sad, angry almost.
Wait... I HAVE AN IDEA!!! But I need a pencil and paper!!! "Hey Logan?" "Yes, Patton?" "Do you have a pencil and some paper?" "Ummm... yes, in fact."(that's just book LOGIC) He handed it to me. I started to try to remember my dream vows. I finally got it, so I scribbled it down on the paper. I handed Logan back the pencil. "Thanks, Logan!" I chirped. "What did you write?" "Nothing." I said, folding the paper. Soon, the doctor (hehe, Dr. Who, ok I'll go now.) walked in and said that I could leave.

Hey, hey, heeeeyyyy!!! Sorry for the short chapter! I'm feeling dangerous!!!! Because, two tw's in a row? HELL YEAH!!! Oh shit, I just remembered I have to do a fUCKING FACE REVEAL!!! Ok bieeeeeeee!!Ugh, I'm so tired!!!

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