(Monday) Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV

This is the second time Kacchan was the second time Kacchan decided to help me today. Is there something wrong with him? Whatever, i most likely wont get a chance like this again so I might as well take advantage of this moment.

Izu - Okay so, i woke up late because my alarm didn't go off and my mom is out of town for the week so it's not like she could come wake me up or anything, so I had to skip breakfast so I wouldn't be more late then I already was but then as i'm about halfway there it Starts FUCKING POURING RAIN OUT OF THIN FUCKING AIR!! Now mind you i'm already Soaking wet but then not 1, not 2, but THREE FUCKING DUMBASS BITCHES DECIDED TO SPEED IN THE FUCKING RAIN AND SPLASH IN THE FUCKING PUDDLE WATER!!! So I'm now soaked, angry, and hungry and had to change into my damn Gym Uniform. So I thought 'This day can't get any worse than it already is' But OH YES THE BLOODY FUCK IT CAN!! I GET SCOLDED BY NOT ONLY THE MOTHERFUCKING TEACHER!! BUT ALSO MY FUCKING STICK IN THE MUD BITCH ASS "FRIEND" TOO!! So I'm EXTREMELY pissed and just want wanna eat and go to sleep. It gets to lunch and I'm just like 'Oh it's just lunch, ABSOLUTELY nothing could go wrong here' WRONG AGAIN!! I TRIPPED OVER THIN GODDAMN AIR!! DROPPED MY FUCKING LUNCH!!! GET SCOLDED A THIRD TIME!!! WHILE THESE BITCH ASS KIDS JUST WATCH AND LAUGH THEIR ASSES OFF LIKE DUMB FUCKS THEY ARE!! I start cleaning up the dropped food and Monoma Bitch ass gonna come over and try to take advantage of me anger, at this point the only thing keeping me from snapping was common sense, but then instead of taking up for his word he runs away like a little bitch after overhearing a small part of what was gonna happen to him. Something happened after that and it made me feel a bit better so I decided to go over and try to talk to these so called "Friends" I have, I'm not gonna be ungrateful i'm glad the left me alone earlier when I needed space, But To Just FUCKING IGNORE ME LIKE I'M NOT STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!?! That sent me over the FUCKING limit.... And now were here.....

It was so quiet you could here the sound of a pen hitting the white tiled floor.

(Quick A/N Dadzawa Is indeed in the room, he's sleeping though, Also they're already in the dorms, Izuku just went home for the weekend)


Me - H-HEY! Why The Fuck Are You Laughing!!

Baku - Whatever You feel better now you got all that out nerd?

Me - Yea.... Thanks Kacchan!

Baku - Whatever, just know i'm never doing this again!!

When class finished I started to pack up my things when Ura-bitch and The Rip-Off-Sonic comes to my desk.

Ura - U-uh Hey Deku...

Me - What.

I snapped at her and she jumped back a little frightened, that's funny

Iida - No need for violence, we would just like to apologize for ignoring you earlier, Midoriya

Me - Tch, it's whatever.... We can try and talk again tomorrow but right now I need to focus on something

Ura - W-we understand!! Thank you for forgiving us though..!

Iida - Yes, Thank You

Me - Okay, now leave me alone.

After they leave I continue to pack up my things then i feel someone grab me from behind.

Me - Ack! Kacchan!!

Baku - Meet me in my room when your done nerd~

Me - O-okay..

Baku - See you then~

Okay there's definitely something wrong with Kacchan. He has NEVER acted like this before....


Katsuki's POV

Damn, the probably gonna take the cake for longest rant! He hasn't swore this much since middle school! And it seems he started talking a bit faster. Funs not over yet though~ I walk over to the nerd when his back is turned and wrap my arms round his waist.

Izu - Ack! Kacchan!!

That was cute~ let's try something.

Me - meet me in my room when your done nerd~

Izu - O-okay

Damn.. I swear every time he stutters it sends my heart racing! I've become too gay to be stopped.

Me - See you then~

His face is so flushed it's fucking adorable, he looked so vulnerable and weak like back in.... well anyway he just looked so fuckable- is that even a word- Annnd i'm hard- he'll be in my room soon~ then I can do as I please~


Izuku's POV

I start making my way to the dorms to go see what Kacchan needs. In all Honesty I'm a bit skeptical of this cause he's never let anyone in his dorm room before. Not even Kiri! I make it to the dorms but stop dead in my tracks to look at the horrible scene in front of me......


WUSSUP PEEPS!! Okay so I'm sorry for this cliffhanger y'all cause I myself hate em- but like- The next chapter might be up today. But I do have school Today so I might not, well see. anyway hope you enjoyed!

Queen Amanda Out!!

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