↔ people come and go.↔

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hey guys and welcome to a new chapter. I haven't really posted a chapter of this book in agessss so here we go! p.s. dont forget to let me know your thoughts in the comments! x

p.s. this is not on a romantic perspective- it's written generally in all aspects, be it family, friends or anything else. we can all have our own ideas of the person that comes to our head when we read this. 

stop constantly thinking if they miss you. 
because even if they did- that's not enough and it never will be. its not enough to make up for all the misdeeds they did for you or anything they've done for you. its not enough for you to forgive them or to even think about them. its not enough for it to matter.

Stop constantly thinking if they miss you; because if they did, you would know.

if they missed you, they would've called. they would've text. they would've bothered. and you would've known. 

and if they cared for you, they would've done better.

if your absence doesn't change anything in someone's life then your presence has no meaning in it.

people come and go.
so does pain.
but so does joy.

everyone misses someone or something, and we all feel nostalgia and reminisce on 'good old times'. we never realise 'good old days' until they're in the past.
we never appreciate people until we lose them-
we never realise what we have until it's gone.

there are some people in life who we miss so passionately and even to a crazy extent where we think about them constantly and it drives us insane that they just aren't in the place you'd like them to be in your life. maybe we want to see them more, or even see them, maybe we want to talk to them more or have deeper conversations with them more. maybe we want to be loved with them and maybe we miss good old times, we can miss the old version of a person we still see. but we have to accept that things will never go back to the way that they were, and that you can't move forward if you keep looking behind.

not everything in life has to be forever, sometimes people come into your life to teach you. to teach you who you can be, who you should be, what to do and what not to, how to act and how not to. not everyone is going to stay forever but we have to keep on going and remember what they've taught us.

its okay and totally normal to miss someone, but never let it hold you back from moving forward in life.

people come and go. life is simply about caring about those who are here to stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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