CHAPTER 1 「We can't graduate!」

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This story contains strong language
and violence, please proceed
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"I want to eat a galette~"
Crescent said.
Crescent is a big fan of the gravure model, Funny.
Funny runs a galette shop called ‘Funny Galette’ and he wanted to try out a galette from there.
After it's first shop opened in Tokyo it quickly spread throughout Japan and became a chain store. A Funny Galette store even opened in Fukuoka.

The Poppies don't exactly know where the store is though.
But after this year's rice harvest they were free and they decided to go to Fukuoka on a weekend.
They all decided to wear their school uniforms.
Popee, Kedamono, Stain, Crescent and Boron were going to eat Galette. They searched for Palvan and saw him fishing on a bridge. They invited him to join them but he refused, saying that he usually fishes for river shrimp around this time of year. Palvan continued to fish quietly.
The river shrimps that gather under the bridge are then captured and dried in the sun.

"That guy, why does he have to be so bitter...." Boron sighed.
"And why should we eat at a galette store just because Funny owns it?" Boron complained.
Boron was a cynical person who looked at the world at an oblique angle, and it was obvious that he was not looking forward to trying a galette unlike Crescent.
Crescent was a guy that let emotions overtake him easily, he could quickly switch from being gloomy to ecstatic. He was excited to go eat a galette.
Stain was the oldest of the Poppies, being 30 years old. He was a very timid and quiet guy. He was willing to try a galette.
Kedamono would eat anything so it didn’t matter if it was galette or not, he’d eat it anyways.
Popee, he was not particularly not interested in eating a galette.
His heart was longing for something else.
He wanted to see the world outside the village.
He yearned to go to a city somewhere.
He wanted to leave the village and start his own life, a life without Papi.

The Poppies decided to start walking on a Friday afternoon.

They planned to camp overnight, and board a freight train that would lead them near the town of Fukuoka. It would be a long journey and they would first have to walk on the long roads of the Kyushu mountains before ending up in Fukuoka.

"Isn't this a bit risky?" Stain said nervously. As they all walked together Stain started playing 'stand by me' by Ben E. King on the harmonica.
They were at the outskirts of the village when they spotted a dead body in the middle of a field, they took a closer look at the corpse. It seemed like he had a heart attack, but the Poppies weren't shocked.
This was common in the village since a lot of elderly people lived here.
Crescent: "Oh man, this is bad... We have to do something!"
Boron: "Well, we can't really do anything about but set up another flag."
Boron began to undress his lower bottom and tied his red underwear to a stick as a flag.
This was a signal to other villagers that there was a corpse here. People who have time will carry the corpse to the center of the village and bury it.

After Boron was dressed they decided to camp.
The Poppies chat around the campfire they had made.
Kedamono: "I wonder how that guy felt about the village before he died... He didn't regret living in the village, did he?"
Everybody is at loss for words.
Kedamono seemed to really like living in the village.
"There's lots of fresh and delicious food here~" Kedamono boasts.
"Yeah, but.... There's no young women here T_T" Crescent sheds a tear.
Stain: "At least we don't have a lot of people here, if there was there'd be so much crime going around,"
Boron: "Wherever you go, humans are all the same! Everybody has criminal tendencies and love is just a fantasy, an illusion. We'd be better off alone staying here,"

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