Chap 4

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Hey author here! Sorry my last chapter kinda sucked ass. I'm getting like no reads lol. Also this chapter is gonna be a little flirty i guess, nothing smutty tho. Maybe just some raunchy thoughts. I m also trying out a new format.

Hours had past and it was now nearing 6:00 kirishima was at his desk drawing when he was interrupted by a familiar blonde busting in unannounced. Kirishima jumped at the sudden noise.
"Jesus! Knock much?!"
Kirishima huffed out closing his sketchbook and setting it aside.
    "Yeah yeah whatever shitty hair"
Bakugou said rolling his eyes dramatically at kirishima .
    "Seriously man, i could've been in the middle of something"
kirishima said his face a flushed from embarrassment, a number of embarrassing scenarios coming to mind
Bakugou just raised an eyebrow when he noticed the blush that came to kirishimas face. He felt a smirk tug at his lips as he eyeballed the red head
"oh please do tell me, what would you be doing?"
Bakugou walked over to kirishima and sitting on his desk in front of him As he did so Kirishima gulped down the nervous lump that was forming in his throat.
"i-i-don't know things? You know- just-just"
kirishima felt his face getting redder with each word that came out of his mouth. he took a deep breath and calmed himself down.
"It doesn't matter, you just startled me" he said with a lighthearted laugh
Bakugou just sighed and rolled his eyes at the flustered red head. For some reason he likes seeing kirishima all flustered like that, it brought a smirk to his face when he was able to get the normally calm and collected red head to lose his composure. Bakugou let out a chuckle at his thoughts
"didnt know that you were so easily scared red"
he said raising an eyebrow. He shifted his weight onto his left arm that was planted firmly onto the desk.
Kirishima smiled and quietly snickered at the nickname 'red'. Something about the way bakugou said it, he adored it. He relaxed, un hitching his breath, and easing his stiff posture, his body language becoming more lax.
"You didnt scare me, you just startled me, there's a difference"
he answered back in a snarky tone, provoking the blonde ever so slightly.  Bakugou clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and let out a light chuckle
"Hmm tell me, what's the difference"
Kirihsima narrowed his eyes at the blonde and shook his head lightly, he couldn't help but grin at bakugous constant attitude problem
    "well. Since you had to ask...if someone was startled, that means they were merely taken aback. And if they were scared,     that means that they were     in fear. I wasnt in fear of you barging in, i was only taken aback."
Kirishima smiled at bakugou, spinning side to side in his wheeled desk chair.
Bakugou shook his head at kirishima and pursed his lips.
"for gods sake, i didnt BARGE in. I just... walked in unannounced"
Kirishima rolled his eyes
    "You barged in"
bakugous eye twitched in frustration
    "well i-OK. Even if i did BARGE in.. you come into my dorm without saying anything all the time!"
Bakugou huffed and mumbled some incoherent curses under his breath. To that kirishimas cupped a hand over his ear and leaned towards bakugou so he could 'hear better'
    "sorry what was that?"
Bakugou took a deep breath and leaned down to kiris ear
    "i was calling you a dumbass, dumbass"
Kiri shrugged and let out a laugh. Causing the blonde boys anoyance to become more noticeable. He knew bakugou hated it when he acted all nonchalant, so of course he was gonna rile him up just for the amusement.
"Well it takes one to know one" he said rolling his eyes
"you got a problem? Maybe i should glue your eyes in place to keep them from rolling around that empty space in your head"
A frustrated groan came from bakugou. He looked the red head up and down before scowling. He knew that kirishima was only teasing him.
    "Oh please you couldnt even if you wanted to"
Kirishima knew that bakugous threats were mostly empty, the most the angry boy would do, is maybe smack him up side the head or fire an explosion off at him.
    "Oh don't be cocky hair for Brains"
"Oh please Look who's talking"
a light chuckle fell from kirishimas throat, he looked up at the blonde and bit his lip in anticipation of what bakugou was gonna retort with. A few seconds passed before Bakugou spoke
    "someone's being awful combative tonight"
Bakugou spoke in amusement, crossing his arms and tilting his head back and to the side . Kirishima wasnt usually very cocky, so he must be feeling playfull. And bakugou was more than happy to play along.
Kirishima rolled his eyes and scoffed in a facetious way-moving his arm to hang around the back of his chair.
"Im not being combative.. try mischievous or maybe I'm feeling a bit frisky"
Katsuki gnawed on his cheek in an effort to hide his smirk, averting his gaze momentarily. Bringing it back to kiri after a few seconds.
   "Well...there's no harm in feeling frisky, i enjoy the playful banter anyways"
Kirishima just scoffed
     "of course you do"
there was a pause between the two. It lasted for a few seconds before kirishima broke the silence
     "anyways, what's the Great katsuki bakugou been up to?"
Bakugou sighed and rolled his eyes
     "well since you had to ask.. "
He paused
    "i finished up the rest of my homework and did some studying. And then i Just fucked around on my phone for a while"
Kirishima nodded and rolled around in his chair. Moving his knees side to side.
Bakugou noticed the nervous tendency and it was starting to annoy him. He huffed and set his feet on top of kiris knees , to stop him from moving
    "stop you damn fidgeting, its shaking my throne"
he looked at kiri and felt a smile creep onto his face. He tried to act angry, but couldnt even hold a scowl on his face. God that idiot had him weak, and there was nothing bakugou could do about it.
Kirishima simply smiled back and sighed. After a moment or two kirishima scootched his chair back and away from the desk, getting up and stretching out. He has been drawing at his desk for a few hours .
"I'm gonna grab something to drink, want something?"
Bakugou nodded asking for a sprite and watched as kirishima left to go get their drinks. mumbling a " ill be right back" before he left.

1137 words

Lmao it's 5 in the morningggggggg
Goodnight 🦊✨( sorry I didn't have a drawing for this one)

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