Chapter 4

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Swift_The_Shadow_Warrior added SaphirePenguin SurfsUp and King Of The Road.

Swift_The_Shadow_Warrior: How are you guys?

SaphirePenguin: I'm good.

King Of The Road: I accidentally sat on the Flash-Wing's engine yesterday.

Swift_The_Shadow_Warrior: EXCUSE. ME. You did what!?

SaphirePenguin: Calm down, Swifty.

SurfsUp: You called him that?

SaphirePenguin: Yeah.

SurfsUp: Ok.

Swift_The_Shadow_Warrior: WHY!?

SurfsUp: So much for calming down.

King Of The Road: Sorry.

Swift_The_Shadow_Warrior: I forgive you.

Swift_The_Shadow_Warrior changed his name into TigerSwift.

SaphirePenguin: Huh?

King Of The Road: Ok.

TigerSwift: I love this. But I love Penny more.

SaphirePenguin: *Blushes* Aww...

TigerSwift: <3

SaphirePenguin: <3<3<3

King Of The Road: Alright will you two stop spamming hearts?

TigerSwift: Ok.

SurfsUp: Luckily me and Rod have an account called CadetBrody and CadetRod.

TigerSwift: Indeed.

SaphirePenguin: Yep.

Shadow_Thunder_Flash has joined the chat.

Shadow_Thunder_Flash: ROD!!!!

King Of The Road: Shoot.

Shadow_Thunder_Flash: WHY!?

TigerSwift: Never. Sit. On. My. Vehicle's. Engine. Rod.

King Of The Road: I'm sorry!!!!

Shadow_Thunder_Flash: I'm gonna get you!!!!

King Of The Road has left the chat.

TigerSwift: Oh boy.

SaphirePenguin: Yep.

Shadow_Thunder_Flash has left the chat.

HQ99 has joined the chat.

HQ99: What happened?

TigerSwift: Rod accidentally sat on the Flash-Wing's engine and the Flash-Wing got mad as it started chasing Rod.

HQ99: Rod and The Flash-Wing are at the garage chasing like a chicken and a worm.

TigerSwift: Or like a rooster and a vehicle. *Chuckles*

SaphirePenguin: *Giggles*

SurfsUp: *Chuckles* True.

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