Chapter 7

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Shadow_Thunder_Flash added AquaWing99, SplashWing99 and RoadWing99 in the chat.

AquaWing99: So. The cadets aren't logged in.

SplashWing99: Yep. I'm guessing they're busy.

RoadWing99: Maybe. This a vehicle chat?

SplashWing99: Yeah. Cuz we ARE the vehicles.

RoadWing99: Oh, Ok.

Shadow_Thunder_Flash changed its name into TigerFlash.

AquaWing99: How did you change your username!?

TigerFlash: Secret.

TigerSwift has joined the chat.

TigerSwift: Hi.

TigerFlash: Hi, Swift.

AquaWing99: Hey.

SplashWing99: What's up?

RoadWing99: Hiya.

TigerSwift: I'm guessing that I'm the only one who's logged in.

TigerFlash: Yep.

AquaWing99: Penny pressed the boomerang button. Gotta go. Bye.

SplashWing99: Same with Brody. Bye.

RoadWing99: Same with Rod too. Bye.

AquaWing99 has left the chat.

SplashWing99 has left the chat.

RoadWing99 has left the chat.

TigerFlash: I guess it's only us.

TigerSwift: Yeah.

TigerFlash: So. What now?

TigerSwift: I'm  gonna uprade the Zip Flash to the next level.

TigerFlash: What?

TigerSwift: I mean the Zip Flash's equipment and everything in and on the Zip Flash are level 1 now I'm upgrading the Zip Flash's equipment and everything in and on the Zip Flash to level 2.

TigerFlash: Ooohhhh. Ok. I get it now. Bye.

TigerSwift: Bye.

TigerSwift has left the chat.

TigerFlash has left the chat.

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