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I've written this a few years ago, not sure if should make it a series. So here it is, a one-shot. But at the bottom, you'll find the reason why I've wrote this back then. PLEASE ENJOY!

This is a work of Fictions. Any names, places, stories, or events are fictitious. Please kindly understand that i am just an mere amateur writer. Thank you.

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Back in 1950's, Amalie is a 24 years old lady. she was a noble-like lady of their family that was soon to be married to the Jackson Household, her childhood friend. On the night after her wedding she confessed her secrets to her Husband, Paulard Jackson. What she said truly surprised her Husband but understood her, since he was in the same boat. She was secretly in love with her Bestfriend; Lorrie, who was currently away for Business. It was a forbidden love, to love someone in the same gender. she dare not say it to anyone other than her husband.

A year later into their marriage, Amalie had a son but she still has feeling for her Bestfriend. During their time, a same sex relationship was like a disease, so she decided to keep it away beside her husband, who truly understood her.

Years later, as Amalie was taking care of her son, she received an alarming call from Lorrie's family, she was so excited to see her again, thinking she'll be home for thanksgiving but it's life, it's full of surprises. Lorrie's family informed her that Lorrie is currently at the Hospital. fighting for her life, she had an accident as they drove from the port. her, sustaining a life threatening injuries.

Two days had passed since Lorrie was admitted in the hospital and is now in need of a Heart Transplant. calling the only person who could perform such thing in their time and looking for a person who matched with hers was a lot of money that it almost bankrupted her family. Things were going smooth, it was the day for her surgery, the transplant, but suddenly the supposedly Donor went missing. no one find out where the donor is.

Suddenly Lorrie had a seizure and is now in critical condition. Amalie's only thought was to save her, without having second thought Amalie talked to the Surgeon and made a proposal. secretly filling the forms for transplant and writing letters for her Husband, Son and family and friends. Amalie asked her Husband for a favor in the letter and now the Surgery is happening.

Before Amalie was put to sleep, she removed her ring, it was another ring aside from her wedding ring. She got this from her grandmother, it was a gift to console her from marrying a man she doesn't love. She put it on, on Lorrie's ring finger as if she was proposing to her. Kissing the ring, she went back to the Hospital bed and told the surgeon she was ready. going to sleep, she took a last glance on Lorrie who was laying there, unconsciously, Soon she slip through darkness.

Like a punch in the gut, Amalie suddenly woke up, with sweats and a grunt and heavy breathing. she wiped her sweats away and was somehow surprised. Her skin was somewhat smooth and a little rough than the last time she remembers it. She looked around and the environment was really unfamiliar. Curtains were draped on a huge window and the lights was pouring in.

She remember that before going to sleep, she was at the hospital. It was fresh in her memories like it happened seconds ago. Was this afterlife? she asked herself.

Suddenly a knock came from outside the door just as she was trying to remember how she came here or where she is.

"Amalie, dear. You'll be late, if you don't get up now." She heard a feminine voice.

"O-ok..." she hesitantly replied.

"Good, breakfast is ready. Your father said he'll drop you off at school today." The voice said, "Oh and Happy Birthday dear, welcome to legal age" the woman said and the footstep was now gone.

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