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A young girl rested in a comfortable sitting position in a white room with a book in her hand.

A picture of a prince and a princess holding hands and smiling blissfully appeared on the book's cover.

Simply by looking at the cover of the book, one may infer that it will be quite engaging, full of romance, fluffy love, and unicorns.

But not for the female reader who is currently reading this.

Her exquisite cheeks were flushed with tears. The girl bites her bottom lip, trying not to cry out loud, while she chokes on her tears.

She makes every attempt to finish the book she is holding. Her vision has become hazy as a result of the tears.

Then they live happily ever after.

The end.

She brushed her tears away and set the novel she'd just finished onto the ground.

'The Flower of the Prince'

She brushed her tears away once more.

"I liked it when both the male lead and the female protagonist had happy endings. But... "she snarls angrily as she leaps from her comfortable perch. "What about the villain, the story's antagonist, who is doomed to fail simply because of his love for the female protagonist?"

"That's not right!" she exclaims furiously.

"My child, the world never treats you fairly." A voice rang out unexpectedly.

" Who the frickin' hell is your child?! You're a kidnapper, not only a kidnapper, but also a jerk who forces others to do things they don't want to do."

" If I recall correctly, I did not force you to do anything against your will; instead, I gave you two choices: live or die, and you chose to live. " The voice was calm in its response.

"Who in their right minds would choose to die?" She asked, folding her arms in front of her, dissatisfied.

"You can believe Whatever you want. In any case if you want to live again, you must obey my orders." The voice said in a commanding tone.

"Stupid system, I don't really have a choice." She whispered, and closed her eyes, attempting to comprehend what had happened to her.

'Is there a better option for me? Is this the only way to reclaim my life? Yes, I had no other ideas.'

Rina would not have been hit by car and killed if she had not gone out that night; now she must complete these assignments in order to resurrect.

"All right, I'll do it! Just make sure you keep your end of the bargain." she shouts, frustrated.

"Rina, what an obedient girl you are." The system expresses itself amusingly.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm the best." Rina paused for a moment to reflect on what she had just read.

"The plot is excellent, but the villain is pathetic. He is a person who never receives affection until the very end, a man who has grown accustomed to a gloomy world because he has never received any light from anyone. A man who drowns in the deep water since no one offers to help him out. He is a miserable man, and it is no surprise that he is so merciless." She hesitated, unsure how to continue her observations of the man.

" That is why you have been chosen to be the one to guide each world's villain and change their destiny" The system expressed itself solemnly.

"Hey system, just because I feel sorry for the villain doesn't mean I don't fear him; he's still a dangerous man with a wicked heart." Rina responds, shuddering as she recalls the villain's treatment of his adversaries in the novel.

"Aren't you here to make a difference in his life?" The system asked "Why complain? You're there to change the villain."

"Yes, but what specifically am I changing? What if he kills me before I finish the mission? " Rina inquired, worried.

"Just complete the task I assign you when we enter the world as if your life depends on it, and as for not being slain by the VIllain, that's your issue." The system laughed.

Rina "..."

"Okay, I get it. Let's get this mission started before I change my mind and choke you to death. " She snarls back viciously.

RIna gets goosebumps when she hears the system laugh loudly before it speaks in its unique automated systematic voice.

"All right, I'll take you to the fictional world."

"The Flower of the Prince," the system says mischievously. "Be prepared.



"Wait, who am I going to be in the book?" Rina inquires abruptly.

"You will know soon." The system replies, sneering.

For some reason, Rina had a bad feeling.


-Starting mission-

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