The villain Duke (6) (rewrite)

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The sound of the curtain being pulled apart is the first thing she heard ,The brightness of the sun slipped past through window glass easily without the restraints of the crimson curtains.

She has to squeeze her eyes shut for a second to get used with the blinding brightness, as always ,Cami stood near her bedside ready to attend her as soon as she steps out from under her warm and cosy blanket.

She takes a look at the sun that was irritatingly staring down back at her. In her past life, looking at the sun outside, the time isn't even late. In fact, it's still too early for her. But with Cami keeping nudging her shoulders it was starting to get annoying.

She groans as she fell back on her pillow.

" My lady, please wake up. The sun is already high in the sky. It's not healthy for you to sleep in any longer"

Cami shakes her shoulder to force her to wake up. Cami had begun to feel irritate, the sun had definitely at i
Cami had no choice but to be a little bit forceful.

"Fine..fine I wake up " she sit up from her bed lazily

After the usual routine of dressing up with all of her maids doing the job, she sits at a small round table near the balcony. Cami began to serve her breakfast as she sits doing nothing.

" Cami is he really that busy that he doesn't even have time to eat breakfast ?"

Came stop her movements

" My lady you mean the Duke ? " She froze on her place

" Who else do you think I am talking about other than brother " She raise her fork and began to eat

" Actually the Duke have a habit of skipping breakfast but these days he used to dine with you and rarely skip breakfast "

" Do you know where he is going ? " she ask curiously

" No..all I know is that he went out early in the morning " Cami push her lips and answer

Yere raise her head and see that Cami look at her...strangely

' Oops did I get too out of Yerenica's character '

She is a little nervous

" Why are you looking at me like that ?"

" I am sorry my lady for my just that you never ask the Duke's whereabouts" Cami bow her head

Cough cough " After all he is my brother and I cant ignore him forever "

" Its nice you see you get along with him my lady but..don' " Cami hesitate

Yere just raise her eyebrow when she heard her hesitate tone

"Umm... My lady, don't you think the weather is fine today? How about you have a walk in the garden ?
I'm sure the you will like some fresh air" Cami suggest

"Alright! Let's go have a walk outside then"
Yere pumped up from her seat

The weather was bright and sunny but there was still a gentle wind blowing in the air. Cami has to make sure that she is warm and cosy before heading out

Walking around the garden brings pleasure to her senses. The sweet fragrance of Jasmine and faint fragrance of roses fill her nostril. She decided to spend an hour doing almost nothing, enjoying the best of what nature could bring.

Then there was a bumble bee that suddenly came by her side. There was a kind of music as the bee flapped its wing, music so perfect that no one could ever sing.
Walking little further, she spotted a butterfly
which was hovering over the flowers and then soaring high. She admire the beautiful butterfly for a long time.

Quick transmigration : Taming the blackned Villainजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें