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Kehadapan cinta hatiku, Razif Haydar, Koordinator Divisyen Muzik yang baharu.

Ceh kehadapanlah sangat hahaha...

Hai Sayang! Today is your biggest day and aku tahu yang kau pun mesti berdebar kan? Tak apa, cintaku. If your dad can do that, so do you. And I know that my Sayang ni is born a fighter.

Sayang, aku ingat lagi the first time our eyes met, that was beyond magical. Yeah, it was just because of a pen. A goddamn pen hahahaha. But betullah orang kata, you fell for someone in a way you can never thought yourself. Kelakar kan? Tapi itulah, you are honestly, the last person on Earth I thought I could've fell in love with.

Bertahun kita bersama, banyak kenangan kita. Ada yang pahit dan banyak yang manis. Tiga tahun is a long period kan, Sayang? Remember how arwah Along deteste gila kita berdua? Joke's on him, we are still together and counting. Remember how kita almost break thanks to Roy babi tu? Good that he died too. I hope he rot in hell with all the broken souls he moulded. Remember how we used to judge Manuk and Danny being incompatible? Now we are laughing looking at how they are actually completing each other? Also, I know you are sad to receive the kad kahwin from Natalie. Be happy for her as she is for us. Jangan lupa hujung tahun ni Romeo dengan Kemboja pulak. Seems like we are all having our very own happy ending kan? Abang Mandar pun dah nak dapat baby ni.

Sayang, I'm not good with words and I will never be good in it. Lord knows that, Sayang. Tapi kan, percayalah, writing this letter is a form of romantic gestures I've been wanting to do to you and finally I have the chance (read: energy and determination). And voila, you have this letter.

The reason I wrote this letter is to tell you all thing I wish I could say to you in person. Razif, thank you sebab sudi terima aku. That's the first on the list. Second, thank you because you stay with me through the thick and thin of both of us. Third, thank you for coping with my shits. You are braver than the Marines for doing that, Razif. Lastly, thanks for willing to bet your future with me. Future is something uncertain and you choose to face it with me by your side.

Our love is something that only we could understand. Something that only we could paint it with whatever colour we wanted it to be. Something that will only be us in the picture. No one can interrupt that.

Razif, I love you so much, Sayang. Now, jadi KD yang bagus just like your dad and your predecessor, Abang Mandar. I put high hope on you and so does everyone. This is because I know you can. We all know you can. Do not anyone or anything tell you the contrast of it.

Sayang, here is an envelope that contains all the things you need to face the day. Also I put here is the diary I used to write everything I feel before pasal kita. Then, nampak pen tu kan? Itulah pen yang kau pinjam. I never used the pen ever since.

Sayang, I wish I could write you more but you know yourself yang me is pemalas, right? I'm gonna stop here. Good luck okay, Sayang. Remember that whatever it is, hard or easy, rain or storms, find me here. I'll aways be here for you. Now and forever...

Sincerely, your boyfriend

P.s. I love you and you know it...

Aku melipat surat itu dan sematkan elok di dalam buku nota aku.

Nafas berat aku hela sebelum aku duduk di atas kerusi. Posisi yang aku sandang ini pernah menggugat kisah percintaan, pernah meragut nyawa seseorang dan sekarang disandang oleh aku.

Be it for good or not, aku harap sekurang-kurangnya ianya bagus untuk aku dan Haydar. Tiga tahun lamanya sudah kami membaja kasih dan aku harap kami dapat tuainya sepanjang masa kami bersama ini.

Aku tak mengharapkan selamanya dengannya. It will be too much to ask. Cumanya aku harap, walau apa terjadi, it is the best for us. Cukup itu saja, cukuplah...

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