Chapter 1

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The throne room was cold.

Cold, too cold. The busted heater was evident in that, proving ineffective in fixing the lack of heat within the large room. Dust clogged the inside, displaying just how long the heater had failed to do its intended purpose.

Undyne let her yellow eyes dance across her surroundings, the expression of disgust unhidden with the shiver that ran through her body. It was too cold in here! It reminded her of Snowdin, the temperature dipping well under what normal standards would deem appropriate. She could almost sense heat drip from her body, melting away into the room.

With a desperate shiver, her hand outstretched to the heater, fiercely grabbing the knob. A twist, then another. Finally did the heater power on, dust spewing out like grey snow on a winter night. The warm air was like that of a refreshing cup of hot chocolate, the monster who had sputtered back from the original attack of dust quickly returning to feel the heat.

So it wasn't broken? Of course, she should have expected that. It was the heater of the throne room, of the castle, naturally it would be of the best condition, even if unused. The question soon rotated to why it was unused, Undyne letting her scaled hands glide across his bare arms in ways of soothing the heat throughout her body. Although their King was not inflected by the onslaught of weather conditions, not like Undyne's sensitive body to the temperature changes, the other rooms within the castle often did have their heat turned on. Then again, other monsters were in control of the heaters, not Papyrus. The throne room, however, was under Papyrus' control, who was the only one really to step foot within the boundaries of the walls.

It was likely that Undyne was the first to step within the room for a long time, as Papyrus often didn't invite too many people in. It was spoken constantly amongst the staff of the castle for no one to enter the throne room unless explicitly invited, which often didn't happen. Until this particular day, to which Papyrus had told Undyne to wait within the throne room to begin their weekly happenings.

It was a normal procedure, Undyne had first been surprised by how stupidly simple the meetings were. There was no complicated economics or political substance, the conversation typically leaning towards a meet and greet.

However, the location of the throne room was new. Undyne had never stepped foot within the area until now, much less ever taken a glimpse through the door. Ideas and theories about the throne room had become present in her mind during the dragging hours of the day, but she would admit, this was not what she expected.

Naturally, it was high and mighty, as one would anticipate from royalty. The throne was large and eloquent, and the walls consisted of the expensive structural details that matched with the many other countless rooms of the castle.

But the differences stuck out, much as the yellow flowers around the throne did out of the fertile soil. Undyne knew Papyrus wasn't one for flowers, so the presence of them there was questionable. Her friend and trainee, Asgore, adored them, so it would make sense if the little goat monster had flowers, but Papyrus never really spoke about them. The flowers were collected in the middle of the room, allowing for her to travel freely along the borders.

What did draw her attention was the other throne. The second seat hidden away in the back, displaced from the organization found within the rest of the room. A white sheet was carefully thrown over it, corners tucked neatly. It was easy to tell that the sheet was regularly used and adjusted, unlike the heater and the layers of dust now thrown up into the air.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Ah, there he was. King Papyrus himself. He had walked in while she was distracted with the heat, his red cloak fluttering as he walked. Tired eye sockets quickly caught sight of her position, seeing the monster hunched near the heater with crossed arms.

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