Chapter 2

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A loose spider quietly scampered across the floor in a long and empty hallway, its long legs quickly adjusting to pull itself through a crack in the wall. The lighting along the hallway occasionally flickered, causing hints of darkness to flash across the broken walls and bare floors. Vines crept up around multiple pillars, engulfing the once beautiful architecture with hints of age and dust. Debris from the broken down remains of the once beautiful ruins littered the floor, thrown about mindlessly by gravity long ago, having long settled with the dust.

A black petaled flower deletequietly crept its way down the hallway, a scowl drawn onto his face with a look suited for something far more vile than a dandy flower. However, the flower found the expression suited him rather well, just as the dust did along the floor of the hallway.

Sadly, it wasn't monster dust, but it did show the diskept nature of the ruins. No matter how much that silly skeleton swept, one single man wasn't enough to keep it all under wraps. By the time he would finish cleaning one hallway, another would be messy. It was a painful cycle, one the flower was witnessing yet again.

The broom was carefully dragged across the floor, collecting new dust and debris and brushing them into the growing pile in the middle of the hallway. His cloak swished gently with each movement, pink slippers tilting to the right as he bent to gather a larger area under his thin and worn broom.

It was always like this, really. The ruins were constantly falling apart, and with no monsters skilled in building to fix the walls, everything was in a constant state of collapse. The walls were worn and broken, invading plants crept along the worn floor, and dust was constantly settling. No matter how much the single man swept and cleaned, he couldn't hide how fragile everything was, ready to collapse when it grew too old.

But this was to be expected. After all, the ruins were practically disowned by monster kind, they were degrading with the age of abandonment. With no one to tend to them, and with very few to live within the walls, it was a question of how nothing fully collapsed yet.

Maybe it was because of the skeleton.

Flowey let his gaze dance about the cloaked skeleton, memories of their old times spent together flashing in his head. Once upon a time they were a family, brother and brother, against the world. Once upon a time, though, Flowey had emotions. Once upon a time he was alive, and a skeleton, just like his dear brother.

But now, things were different. Nothing would ever be the same, not again. Not ever again.

He never did expect to find this situation when he returned from the dead. Never did he expect to find only Papyrus in the throne room, Sans' once proud throne shunned away into the corner, hidden under a tarp of regret and cloth. Newly reborn Gaster had cried out for his old brother, but only found a single King in return, which was not the King he was looking for. When he was brought back to life, Papyrus had been the one to scoop him out of the garden, comforting the flower.

In the past, they had been close. Not at first, as Gaster had always been protective of his older brother, and vise versa. When he learned of his brothers romance with another skeleton, naturally the little boy had been persistent in making sure Papyrus was the right one. Over a little bit of time, and some reassurances from Sans, he had grown to not only accept Papyrus, but grew close to him.

Yet, when he awoke, he didn't find Sans. He found Papyrus, ruling the Kingdom alone with no Sans in sight. And he quickly discovered his lack of emotions, something that drove him to leave, seeking out Sans when Papyrus had failed to prove useful.

Flowey thought that surely, when he found Sans in the ruins, the skeleton could help him. Surely his brother would bring back his emotions!

As if.

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