2. Stupid Beautiful Eyes

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Hi! So here's the second chapter... I hope you enjoy! Also, the art above isn't mine but I thought he looked like such a hottie that I couldn't resist 🥵😂

(Y/N's POV)

My first week of school was finally over and it felt like a weight had just been lifted off my shoulders. It wasn't a huge weight but it was something I had looked forward to. Now it would be easier to blend in with the crowds and no one would bother me.

I was walking through the mall of Konoha, with a f/d in hand. I needed a new set of wrist bands because mine had been tore apart when I had gone to the beach that summer. It's a long story.

I had found a nice set of dark f/c bands and I had put them on as soon as I finished paying for them. But now I was just strolling through the large building, trying to pass the time. Maybe I would buy my baby sister something while I was out. Her name, Yua means binding love and affection which is very fitting for her.

My sister is only a few months old and I loved her more than anything else in the world. My mom had given birth to her a couple weeks after we moved to Konoha. Yua's father's name is Kai Izumi. Kai is pretty nice and I know my mom loves him. They've been together for about two years and he moved here with us which makes me think that hopefully, he's gonna stick around. Being nine months pregnant and trying to move millions of miles away was hard on my mom and I tried to make things easier for her but she'd only let me do so much.

Snapping myself out of my thoughts, I took a sip of my f/d while passing by a ramen shop. Ramen was one of my favourite foods and I debated going inside or not. Deciding to get a small bowl to go that I could save for my supper, I stepped inside the little shop.

"Hey, you're that girl from school! The one that avoids everyone!" I looked over to the person that shouted at me.

It was a guy I recognized as Choji - the one that spoke to Shikamaru on the first day - from homeroom. He was in my language class as well and he seemed quiet. Apparently I was very wrong.

"What's it to ya?" I was hoping to avoid this situation for a bit longer but I suppose it's better to get it over with it.

"You aren't going to make any friends that way..." I cut him off by holding up my free hand. I already knew that.

"Ever think that not making any friends is my goal?" The look on his face was one of complete shock, like he couldn't believe the words that had just come out of my mouth.

I huffed, "I didn't think so."

I ordered my ramen and stood off to the side as I waited. Why would Choji care what I did or didn't do?

I glanced up as I heard someone approach me. It was Shikamaru. I hadn't even noticed he was there.

"Can I help you?" I asked, annoyed that he was bothering to even look at me.

He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Lay off of Choji would ya? He's just trying to understand why anyone would purposefully avoid making any friends," He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked away from me. "Personally, so am I."

I just looked at him. Now Shikamaru, the boy that always looked bored and uncaring, was wondering about my life choices too. Honestly I could not figure out what it was about me that made these people question me and my life choices.

"Miss, your food is ready."

Just in time buddy.

"Thank you sir. I'll be sure to enjoy it!" I said with the sweet voice I reserved especially for talking to adults.

Talk To Me  ~ (Modern! Shikamaru X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ