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I look at the place I've prepared...
I payed for this place for her....

To the foods I've cooked for her...
I cooked 4 dishes for her...

I even had a hard time just to perfect those foods...
Because I know she really loves foods.

The bouquet of flowers I've really meant and chose for her..
and now it's scattered on the ground...


The engagement ring I bought for her...
A Harry Winston diamond ring...

"Yeah.. she's not coming"
I laughed painfully and sarcastically.

We haven't meet for a week because she's busy... she's always fucking busy!

And even this day? Even just for an hour or at least just 30 minutes? She couldn't make? She couldn't spend time with me? She couldn't give it to me?.... hell yeah, she's BUSY!

I know, I've been busy for the past few months too but, I never let a day to end without calling her even just for 30 minutes, I always greet her in the morning, and I still give what she wants, everything she asks.

But, I felt she distant her self from me, because maybe she's disappointed on me, that's why I'm doing this, I want to make her happy again. But, yeah, she can't come..

I just left the damn place and just drove my car away... away from that dated place.

DATED |  jiroséWhere stories live. Discover now