One word, assholes!

413 22 27
  • Dedicated to Me!

1. What do you go by on Wattpad?


2. What genre or type of pieces do you write on wattpad?

Poetry mostly but i do write stories.

3. Have you ever dealt with a wattpad hater? if so what was your experience?

Yep i've dealt with my fair share. People blatantly writing on my poems calling them shit or boring or whatever. One girl actually said my first poen was, "So dull and obvious a child could write it." Of course given the fact that the poem i posted i wrote when i was 16, it didn't piss me off that much. I edited it. And one month later it was the #1 poem on the poetry hot list for two weeks and #1 short story hot list for a week straight and has gained over 13,000 reads, 600 votes, and 300 comments. Throw in the haters that don't like fat people and oh boy do i have a fun fucking day!

4. What would you like to say to all current wattpad hater's who continue to bash other people?

Shut the fuck up! I'm seriously tired of listening to you. You want something to do? go away and leave me the fuck alone. you don't like my work? don't say anything. You don't like poetry? don't fucking read it. You don't like anything on wattpad? leave!

5. What would you like to say to any future wattpad haters?

Don't even think about writing on my stuff! if you do i will end you! I will karate chop your face and kick you in the balls (if you have them). i don't care how old you are! your never to old or to young for an ass beating!

6. What pisses you off most about these haters?

Too much to name

7. Is there any of your writings you'd like to boast?

"The Beautiful Girl" #1 poetry for 2 weeks straight, Fatman The Ultimate Superhero, Fatty Me #1 Non-Fiction for almost 3 weeks (Not all at the same time though),

8. In 8 words or less, describe your haters.

One word, assholes!

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