The Honkai Devourer V.S. The Unorthodox Priest!

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Diake! The Unorthodox Priest


Glynne! The Honkai Devourer!

Both fighters from the same world! Different Dimension!
Shall Glynne eat up the competition!
Or Shall Diake have enough faith to strike down his foe!?
Let's find out!

Let us start with Diake, with his weapons consisting of his Origin Spear!
A Previous Era spear, possibly a Divine Key of sorts, oh! You can't get any more holy then that! This spear takes the basis of all mythical, magical, and legendary spears throughout history! Man! What a great weapon to start off with! As it takes the base form of a cross shaped spear!
This spear can be extremely flexible,the weapon has the capability to change into any magical spear after all! Ranging from
a flipping FIRE spear, to one that EXPLODES on impact! I mean, where go I get one of these things?
And the added bonus of it will always return to the owner! Like if Thor's hammer was actually cool!

But some weakness are you it can only be one spear at the time! Like you can combine the fire and exploding spear at the same time, only one! And it also has rules the Spear has to comply to for each form it takes.

But onto his next weapon, and the ONLY reason this took so long to make!
GALATINE! The weapon wielded by the Knight of the Sun- Gawain! This is obviously a sun base sword artificial sun in it's hilt... excuse me?
Uh Anyway, continuing on with it's strengths, it makes the user completely invisible to all physical attacks...again, excuse me? Let me repeat that for you,
You are invincible to all forms of physical attacks, how is that- oh, only when the sun is out, oh, well that makes it kinda less mind straining, continuing on with the fire theme,
It can make an artificial sun..if the actual sun is blocked or just not around. . . . .Huh.

Well besides that, it can basically fire off...well fire like projectiles, such as slashes or just incase the sword itself in fire, and all of the sort! Safe to say this sword will bring the heat!

For the weakness of it, oh that's right, it has weaknesses! So the artificial sun can actually be Destroyed if enough power, such as an anti tank missile hits it.. well that just seems dangerous, if this is an artificial sun, assuming it's given off them same radiation as the actual sun, you'll most likely die being to close to it, and if you blow it up, that just sounds like trouble! But after it's Destroyed, it'll take exactly 10 Minutes for it to be used again.

And onto his most simplest weapons!
A completely normal revolver with a chain attached! Simple as that, moving on!

Now, onto the weird stuff!
His, not so trusty, World Fracture!
It's basically Time Fracture from the Honkai impact universe power thing, but with the small added effect of the nice calming snow, he is able to manipulate the space in a certain radius, being able to move things here and over there with his mind! But with the unfortunate bonus of not being able to cause harm to anything, as if he would come into contact with Anything, it would cancel the World Fracture, but if that's the case,let's say you were beside a hill, and it activated, couldn't you just move the person above the air and off the cliff and watch them fall? Questions for later...
And the reason it's not so because it's just unreliable! As it only activates if dodging an attack that would hundred and ten percent kill you! Even then, it's completely random if it'll activate or not! You could dodge 20 times and nothing would happen if ya have that much bad luck!

And continuing the train of things that are out of his control!
His Herscherr of Modification!
Kaide, a Herscherr of the Previous Era who gained their own consciousness after spitting away from the Honkai God...that's a thing? Oh well, and unlike the Herscherr of Reason, his hosts is the one, the only..Diake!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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