The Soldier of Void & The C.O.R.E Vs. The Herrscher

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Let's start this start with a small stat review!

Blake, the dreaded Void Walker
Height: 5'4
Weight: 110
Dylin the living Core!

Height: Immeasurable
Weight: Immeasurable

Let's start with Blake yet again!
A soldier of the Void itself!
Though we have no information of what the Void is, it can be said as something to keep Blake busy! Giving him directions he describes as a feeling that the Void gives him!
He's also incredibly strong! Even for his size, which if you mention, it'll probably be the last thing you do!
As he has enough power to hold an entire mountain collapsing on him for 10 minutes before letting it fall on him, WHICH he survived! And that was when he was in an extremely weakened state!
And before we continue, I should say Blake is well..Immortal, but besides that, he has magic that can be classified as Telekinetic, strong enough to send back almost all physical attacks that have been thrown at him! He can stop a barrage of bullets shot at point blake range! And send them back with more force then the gun can even produce!

And Telekinesis isn't the only trick he can use his magic for, he can fire beams of condensed energy, strong enough to evaporate basically anything! He can charge his energy up and let out a shock wave that can turn an entire forest into a baron and empty desert, though attacks like that usually leave him vulnerable, so it's usually a last resort, but most of the time he doesn't need such a resort, as what's a soldier without their armor, as Blake has a huge set of armor, Making him look more intimidating then Jotaro Kujo himself, as it makes him look a lot taller, possible near 5'6 or taller,
As it also gives him more defense as it covers him completely, in what can be assumed magic steel, or something on the lines,as he can power his magic through it to increase his strength, as he can crush beasts the size of elephants with a single crushing blow, though it does hinder(but it's basically the same..) his speed, the power makes it seem like it's worth the trade!
Along with a sword that so sharp, it seems like it could cut realities in half if given enough power!

But Blake doesn't need his armor to cause damage, as when he goes full power, he has enough power to fight the entire multiverse off, which is impressive as it sounds!
As his Speed, Power, Ability, endurance, all get a massive burst of power, Making his other forms look like child's play, but at the cost of ultimate power, defense, agility, he gets more savage, turning into a wild animal who survives on his instincts alone!
As an interdimensional traveler, he's fought opponents like Erza and Brain, and able to beat them with easy, heck Brain got one good hit, blasting a hole in Blake's abdomen, and all Blake did was rest it off, getting back up and beat Brain near death!
Even surviving a blast from the Nirvana!
And beating the Master of Fairytail himself!

And his now partner in crime, Dylin!

C.o.r.e, standing for Container,of,Raw,energy!

Dylin was an unusual boy, usually feeling like there was something always in the air, as it always seems to work at making him feel paranoid, but one day, he came in contact with the spirit embodiment of Wind, as they didn't get off on the right foot,and had a small bout, as Dylin had no power or real strength at all, the mere fact he didn't want to lose help him get good hit on the wind spirit, causing them both to be out for the count, and from that day forward, Dylin went on an adventure of a life time.

When Dylin finally awoken, he was trained to be able to use his own form of elemental power..which was cotton.. yeah, but that didn't discourage him as he used his newfound ability in ways that no one would predict, like adding pure energy into a ball of cotton, and throwing it like a bomb, which could level an entire building in one explosion, oh and remember all the energy that he felt in the air, well when he unlocked his ability, his body automatically started absorbing all that energy, and literally becoming a core for energy of every sort,his ability with the cotton can be used with examples as bombs, giant arms to hold his opponents down, while the arms can explode, and a softener for attacks.
And while this is fine and dandy, he eventually learned how use pure concentrated energy with using cotton as a conductor for it, as he can fire beams, levitate, and use the natural elements to his service and need.
As he had survived attacks from the element of Rock, onslaughts from the Water element, and even fought Death itself and was able to win, as you see his powers all depends on one thing, his soul,as the energy he uses and absorbs needs a container, which his body was conveniently enough, perfect for, as his soul perfectly adapted to all the energy, and the reason for that, was one of his parents were an elemental spirit, so his human body is the container for a elemental spirit, which gives him the ability to actually let his spirit leave his body, and act like a elemental spirit, but as impressive as this sounds, Dylin, isn't the best when it comes to strength, physically anyway, he is quite skinny, to the where his bones are basically visible in some places, but everything else he has, with speed, endurance, ability and brain power are all great, his small stature gives him the mobility, he has a small energy shield around his body at all times,and even then he was surprisingly tough, heck, one time in a battle, he was trapped in something more dense than a black hole, grant he did use all of his energy to try and escape, it's still a feat on it's own, as he could go into his spirit force and continue fighting if necessary, as long as he's conscious as he does get hurt a lot, and though he might not be school smart, he is pretty good at coming up with bizarrely good ideas when it comes to battle.
And if all else fails, he can active his trump card where he is engulfed in all the energy he had stored up and can use the energy in the air to create bigger and stronger attacks, and cause the soul of the opponent to be knocked out of their body!
Along with a few new tricks!

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