The End is Near

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Allura gave her speech to the Olkari and we all piloted our lions around the teladuv.
"Everyone lock into position. We're taking this thing up." Shiro spoke and Aqua's jaw closed around her point on the teladuv.
"Princess, we are go for launch." Shiro continued.
"Charging main turbine." Allura spoke as the castle took off, all of us taking off at the same time with the teladuv.

"All right, guys, listen up. I'll use the Black Lion to lure Zarkon's fleet to our current location and make sure he's within the teludav's area of effect. Keeping the teludav hidden behind the space-fold until the last possible second is essential. We can count on you, right, Slav?" Shiro asked looking to the alien between Pidge and Hunk.
"Absolutely. I'll be fine. I'm not sure about the gravity generator, though." Slav mumbled the last part and I barely heard just using context to finish off the sentence.
"What? What was that last thing?" Hunk asked
"Hiding a ship is one thing, but I've never had to build a gravity generator for something this large before. I know it'll work, but I'm not really sure for how long."
"Well, that's a risk we'll have to take. Once Zarkon's ship is in position, Kolivan and Antok will coordinate with Thace. Together, they'll take down Zarkon's security system and upload the virus." Shiro continued off from Slav.
"And then, he'll be a sitting du-flax. What? A du-flax is an Altean creature with a beak and webbed feet." Pidge spoke at the rest of the teams confused look.
"We'll wormhole Zarkon 500 million light years away, and he'll be in the Yggiz Galaxy before he knows what's hit him!" Coran spoke and I flinched as he closed the projection and threw the disk towards the corner of the room.
"What about Thace?"
"He should be getting into position now. We received his last communication three quintants ago. We should hear from him soon." Kolivan responded to Shiro.
"Let's do it." Shiro responded before leaving and I watched as the black lion left.

The five of us dropped down into our seats and waited for Shiro's sign.
Zarkon took the bait. He's got my location. Is everybody in position?" Shiro asked as he face blinked onto the screen.
"We've not yet heard from Thace. He was supposed to contact us two vargas ago."
"He could've been captured."
"Or killed. We need to abort the mission immediately." Kolivan ordered and I bit my lip so I didn't say something I would regret later.
"Abort? No! We cannot back away now." Allura spoke, voice harsh and sharp.
"The Blade of Marmora does not take chances. It's how we've survived for so long." Antok spoke.
"It's held you back. Your caution is the reason Zarkon is still in power."
"We would rather wait than jeopardize everything. Besides, it's too late to get someone else on the inside." Kolivan retorted at Allura, and I thought.
I know that ship pretty damn well, better than almost everyone here. And Janice is still with them, and she would help me no matter what.

"I'll do it." Both me and Keith spoke, standing up from our chairs.
"We'll sneak onto Zarkon's ship. I'm Galra, so I'll be able to interact with their technology."
"I know my way around that ship, better than anyone here. And I have a friend on the inside."
"Pidge, you can rig up one of those pods with a cloaking device, right?" Keith asked.
"Well, yeah."
"Going onto Zarkon's ship is a suicide mission. I would never command someone so inexperienced to go on a mission so dangerous."
"No one's commanding me. I'm doing it." Keith grounded out, Allura giving both of us a disapproving look.
"Pidge, get that pod ready. Keith... Iris.... Let me know when you're on your way. I'll give you cover." Shiro sighed out.

"Okay, the cloaking device is ready to go." Pidge spoke to me and Keith as we prepared to leave, standing by the shuttle.
"Pidge... Iris... May I have a moment with Keith, please?" I looked up at Allura's voice and saw her eyes slightly narrowed at the younger boy.
"Sure thing. Have all the moments you like." Pidge sighed walking off with a last look to me and Keith.
"I'll wait in the shuttle for you Keith." I spoke climbing in the pilot side at Allura's sharp look.

I sat for about two minutes, and eventually the boy climbed in with a determined look.
"Don't worry."
Now or never.
"I need to tell you something, you know in case something happens, and I think you need to know." I breathed out as Keith looked at me.
"I'm altean, half altean." I spoke simply and Keith looked over at me.
"Yes, just don't talk about it to anyone." I spoke taking off, the black lion beeping as the galra fleet appeared.

"They're here." Shiro called as fighters started to come from the ships.
"I've got Zarkon on the hook. Bringing him your way. You two, are you ready? We've only got one shot at this!" Shiro called as both me and Keith nodded to each other.
"Engaging cloaking device. Moving toward the fleet now." I called pressing the button and gripping the controls a bit tighter.
"Roger that. I don't see you, but I'm locked on your signal. I'll clear a path." Shiro called as I pushed forward all of the fighters being shot down in front of us as we headed for the main ship.
"Thanks, Shiro. I'm coming in hot" I called as galra sentries shot at the shuttle. Keith jumped out and I followed suit taking down one sentry while Keith took the other.
"We're in." I spoke with a grunt as Keith picked up a sentries gun.

Me and Keith crept through halls with me taking down a lone sentry for its gun.
"Okay, you've made it to the lower communication deck. Head left down that corridor."
"Based on the schematics from Thace, there should be a large door up ahead. This is the central hub for the Galra fleet." Both blade members spoke and I nodded looking at the large door in front of us, as we ran towards it.
"I see it."

We reached the door and it swooshed open, both of us running to the panel at the end.

In all honesty I couldn't tell you what happened for sure. There was a lot of coding and then a galra showed up, and druids. There was fighting, screaming, yelling, explosions. Me and Keith got blasted from the ship and our lions came and grabbed us. The virus had worked and we set the teludave into action before forming Voltron.

Voltron had froze and I couldn't move, Zarkon was trying to take over Shiro's lion. We had broken and we toke a lot of hard hits before Shiro had managed to finally get his bayard.
We formed Voltron again and delivered a hard blow breaking apart, and my eyes shut.

Only to open a couple seconds later.
"Did we do it?" Lance asked in a groan.
"Is it over?"
"I have Allura and Kolivan. We need to go!" Coran yelled as we started to pilot back to the castle, and I noticed the black lion wasn't coming back.
"Shiro!" Keith yelled and I could feel a pit forming in my stomach, why wasn't he answering? Is he alright? Is he dead?
"We need to tow him back onto the ship!" Pidge called as I piloted on-board to Aqua's hangar and only stayed for Pidge to give the go ahead that they were on board.
"Princess, we're all onboard." And with that Allura opened a wormhole and I started to run to the main hall where Pidge and Keith had dropped the black lion off.
"Shiro!" Me and Keith yelled as we ran at the lion.
"Shiro?" My voice ached as I stood at the opening of the cockpit. The bayard was there, chair empty.
"He's gone." Lance spoke voice as empty as we all felt at the moment and it took everything in me from crying out.
I had to be strong, I had to. For these children, forced into a war. For them as Paladins, so we didn't stop fighting.
And to them a leader, they need someone strong and determined going forward.
I'm sorry Shiro, my love, but they need a leader and I will gladly throw myself in harms way if it means protecting them.

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