Chapter Seven - Sauna

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for THREE MONTHS!! I was pretty busy those last months, so now I will give you what you guys have been waiting for..

Nishikata's POV

We're heading in a group to our dorms. The hotel that we're staying at is huge. I'm pretty confused about my feelings for Takagi right now, but I have a feeling that I like her.


At The Boys Dorms

"Alright everyone. So, unpack your stuff and go take a shower. After that is dinner. Also, your in for a treat, Tanabe-sensei will be telling a spooky story! Chop-Chop! Lets Go!" said the leading chaperone.

I unpacked the things that were most important and most used. After that I gathered my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I headed over to the sauna/shower area for boys.

I didn't really pay attention to the sign though..

(classic nishikata)

Surprisingly, it was empty. Well, almost empty. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Takagi, but it couldn't have been her.

This is the boys shower, anyways. I took off all my clothes and wrapped a towel around my waist. There are no urinals here, I thought.

Oh. My. God.

That's when it hit me. This was the girls shower room.

I immediately took my clothes and my stuff and turned around to walk out. Then I saw her. Takagi-San. In a Towel. In front of me.


"Uh-hm it's fine i g-guess. I have t-to go." said Takagi. She ran away. I felt that she was very embarrassed and scared by me.

I walked out, trying to not let anyone see me, or else they'd think I'm a pervert. Which I'm bot of course, but I clearly am dumb and clueless. How could I walk in here?!

I went to the boys shower room and saw Takao and Hamaguchi there. "Where were you? Didn't Tanabe-sensei tell you we were supposed to be here?" said Hamaguchi.

"U-hm, yeah but I was doing something.." I said. There was no way in hell I was going to tell them what I just experienced.


"Finally! The sushi is done." said Kimura. "I'm really hungry." Of course Kimura was hungry. He always was and never will not be.

We sat down at the lunch table and ate our sushi and rice as we chatted. "Guess what guys. I heard that the girls in out class like guys with muscles." said Takao. I didn't know if it was true, but if it was, I should hide from the girls.

After all, getting teased by Takagi-San only got me one good thing: girls. But sadly, I didn't like any of them. My heart was reserved for Takagi. I can't let another girl take her place.

"Hey, you have muscles. Don't you, Nishikata?" said Kimura. "Wha-a? Uh, I don't really know, I mean I don't think so." I said.

"Yeah you do Nishikata. Maybe the girls are talking about you. I'm so jealous!" said Hamaguchi. "I'm donee!" said Kimura.

We all finished our rice and sushi, so we took our trays to the hotel's cafe counter. It was time for bed, so each class went to there designated dorms. It's been a loooong day, I can't wait to go to sle—

"Wait! *hard breath* I-I wanted to ask *hard breath* if you *cough* liked anyone.." said Takagi. w h a t.   t h e.   h e c k.  Why did she just ask me that? Well I guess she does care.

"Uh.. I uh-um.. not exactly." I said. I couldn't confess now, but if I told her I liked someone, she'd be crushed. Sorry, Takagi.

"Oh, I see. Ok then. Good night." she said coldly. Oh no, did she misunderstand me?! No no nooooo! I didn't mean it that way..

u g h .

I can never win anything, even my own love life. Why god, why? Welp, I guess I'll figure it out in the morning.


I can't fall asleep. Thoughts of Takagi getting angry at me and hating me are all jumbled up in my mind. Also, some lewd things are going around in my head.. what a perv I am.

"Do you like Nishikata?" "Well, yeah. I mean, he's so cute when he's angry, and I always watch him from a distance. Please don't tell anyone else guys!"

h u h ?   w h o  ?   i   n e v e r —

What did I just hear? The girls dorms for our class were next to the boys, so it was a girl who said that.. But who was it? I couldn't hear very properly, but it sounded like.. Uh I don't know!

I have to try to figure out who said that. What if it was Takagi? But what if it wasn't? Why are girls crushing on me? I'm always just normal Nishikata that gets teased by Takagi.

Now I can't even close my eyes.

♡︎♡︎ Thank you all for reading! Sorry for such a late update! aaaa! I will continue making more chapters when I can! No hate! Love yall!!♡︎♡︎

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