02 // interruption

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"Let's leave, Shall we?" Jiaqi eyed the girl beside her.

"Yeah. Sure. I'm excited to head home." Xueer enthusiastically replied. Her smiles warms Jiaqi's heart.

Jiaqi slid the door open and let Xueer go outside first. Following from behind, Jiaqi saw how excited Xueer is because she can see the girl's smile still painted on her face.

Her body automatically moved beside Xueer and her hand slipped on the younger that made both flinch. "Oh sorry. That was on impulse." Jiaqi sheepishly smiled and removed her hand from Xueer's.

Once they reached the parking area, A man greeted them and opened the car's door for them. Xueer went inside and sat on the backseat beside Jiaqi.

"Why do we need a driver? Don't you know how to drive?" Xueer asked after Jiaqi positioned herself beside her. "I know how to but I don't wanna d-drive when someone is with me." Jiaqi stuttered.

Due to the accident, Jiaqi grew scared of driving but she do drive her own car when she's alone. But when someone is with her, She'll definitely resist driving.

"Oh. Do I know how to drive before?" Xueer asked as she looked outside through the closed car's window.

"Yeah." The older shortly replied and recieved a small "oh" from the younger.

The whole ride went quiet until they reached the mansion. It's a house that Xueer's parents gave Jiaqi and Xueer so they could live together.

As Xueer stepped inside, Her eyes immediately scanned the whole new sorrounding. "Is there where I live before?" Xueer asked, Her eyes still roaming around the whole house. "No but this is where we will live from now on." Jiaqi answered from behind.

"We? The two of us? Live together?" Xueer continously asked. "Yeah. Is there a problem with that? Besides, There are also other people with us here like the maids and our drivers. You're fine with that, right?" Jiaqi asked.

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever it is." Xueer said and made her way to the long stairs. "I'll be in my room. Just call me when you need me."

"Do you know where your room is?" Jiaqi asked and recieved no answer. "I bet you don't. Come on." She chuckled and went upstairs followed by Xueer.

"This is your room. I mean, our room." Jiaqi opened the door and let Xueer went inside. "Our room? It is sure big but do we really need to share a room? You could take others though, there are way too many rooms in this house." Xueer said as she sat down on the bed.

"We should save space." Jiaqi joked and Xueer felt the bed sinking as Jiaqi sat beside her.

Staring at Xueer, Jiaqi noticed the strand of hair on the girl's face so she lifted her hand and tucked the strand behind her ear. Xueer blushed with the action.

"O-Oh god. What the heck do you think you're doing?" Xueer slapped Jiaqi's hand.

"And also, You've been with me since last night but I don't even have any idea who you are in my life. I don't even know your name..."

"As well as mine...?"

Xueer was embarassed. Yes, She doesn't know her name as well as the other girl's.

Soon after, A loud laughter was heard. Xueer looked at the girl beside her and saw Jiaqi lying down the bed. Her face turned red, Hands holding her tummy while loud laughter continously came out of her mouth.

Xueer rolled her eyes and turned her body to start tickling the girl. "Are you making fun of me, You prick?!" Xueer yelled and continued tickling the poor Jiaqi who's face turned even redder than it was earlier.

"S-S-Stop t-that!" Jiaqi managed to finish those words in between her laughters and giggles. Xueer chose not to listen to the older and continued tickling her.

Xueer is having so much fun that she even went on too of Jiaqi. "H-H-Hey. Come o-on. S-St-Stop." Jiaqi said, Panting.

But Xueer continued. Then the door suddenly opened, Revealing the surprised parents of Xueer. "Oh my god. I think we just interrupted something. We're so sorry, Girls. Just continue." Mrs. Kong gasped and quickly closed the door.

When the two were once again alone, That's when both realized their position.

Xueer was on top. Jiaqi's legs were spread wide and Xueer was in between them. Xueer's eyes darted on Jiaqi's abdomen, Her shirt is lifted and she could see the girl's toned abs.

"Oh my god!" Xueer yelled and jumped, Resulting her butt to land on the ground. When Jiaqi heard the loud thud, She quickly went up and kneeled down to help the younger girl.

"Why do you just yell and jump out of nowhere?!" Jiaqi asked with a glint of concern in her voice. When Jiaqi held Xueer's hands to lift her up, The younger flinched that surprised Jiaqi.

"Stop. Stop. I can stand up by my own." Xueer said and used her hands to push herself up. When she finally stood up, She dusted the invisible dust on her outfit before looking at Jiaqi.

"Who are they? The one who interrupted us?" Xueer asked, not realizing that she chose to say the wrong word. "I-I m-mean the ones who o-opened the d-door." Xueer stuttered and Jiaqi found it cute.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kong, Your parents." Jiaqi answered.

"And you." She used her index finger to point the younger girl. "You are Kong Xueer." She said and put down her finger after.

"I am Xu Jiaqi. Your girlfriend for more than 4 years now."


If you encountered some mistakes, Sorry for that! Also, I'll be trying to update 1-2 times a week even though I'm really busy. I don't want to keep my readers waiting though ^^

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