05 // Yu Yan

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20 minutes of ride and they finally arrived at their destination. Their driver opening the door for Xueer while Jiaqi opened hers by her own. As they stepped on the ground of the parking area, Jiaqi went on the other side of the car to stand beside Xueer

"Let's go?" She put her hands on her coat's pocket, Her lips not forming into a smile like she usually does to Xueer before.

"You still mad at me?" Xueer showed a sheepish smile while crossing her fingers behind her back.

No-----Jiaqi might be just a little pissed but she's definitely not mad at tje girl. The reason why she was like this was because of Xueer dragging her to their bedroom's floor earlier.

"Let's just head inside." The older turned around and started walking towards the entrance of a restaurant, Which is just a few meters away.

Xueer just followed her while pouting behind.

As they went in, Various smell of foods welcomed them. Xueer sniffed like a child, She loves the smell she's inhaling. When she noticed that Jiaqi's still walking towards somewhere, She quickly stopped her child-like actions and briskly walked to catch up with the tall girl.

"Your legs are too long while mine is uh---shorter. Stop walking so fast so I could ca--- Ow!"

Xueer bumped to Jiaqi's back. She wasn't able to see that Jiaqi already stopped because she's too busy looking (and comparing) at their legs back and forth.

"Why did you stop?" Xueer looked up at her.

"I-I want you to meet them." Jiaqi pointed at the three girls sitting across the long table.

"Xueer, They are our closest friends." Jiaqi introduced them with a small smile.

The younger couldn't help herself but to be amaze with the beauty of the three girls standing across her. The shortest one was small, really cute and eye-catching. She got the vibe Xueer couldn't explain to herself as they met eyes. The next one was a girl with a boy-cut hair, She's very charismatic. Xueer suddenly felt like she knew this girl for a long time, Like they had shared a great bond (that she couldn't remember) before.

But the last one completely left Xueer in daze. For her, She's the prettiest girl she had laid her eyen on, Her beauty is ethereal. Also, There's a feeling inside her chest that she couldn't explain. Maybe they shared a really special connection before? She isn't sure but she just knew that this girl is really something.

"Don't you have anything to say, Xueer?" Jiaqi nudged her.

"O-Oh. Nice meeting you. I am Kong Xueer, You can call me Xueer. I hope we get along." Xueer bowed.

It made the shortest one laugh, The girl at the middle chuckled lightly, The tallest one only smiled a bit. She doesn't really smile, does she?

Jiaqi could only shake her head. "Silly. Of course they know you. They are our closest friends." She said.

Xueer completely forgotten about that. Yes, She did hear Jiaqi saying that earlier but because of the goddesses who appeared, Her mind suddenly went blank.

"O-Oh. Sorry." Xueer bowed again.

The three girls smiled in which Xueer returned. Until one by one, She got pulled into a hug.

The shortest one hugged her really tight that Xueer almost can't breathe. She keeps on saying "I miss you so much." with her voice almost cracking, Xueer assumes she's about to cry.

The hug from the next one was short with a small "We missed you. Glad you're back."

When it was the last one's turn, Xueer could already feel her excitement though they haven't even hugged just yet. Because of her impatience, Xueer was the one who threw herself to the taller girl and hugged her tightly. Everyone was shocked with the action, Especially Jiaqi. But nonetheless, The girl hugged her back and mumbled "I missed you."

Xueer could already feel her heart almost exploding out of her chest.

"I missed you too, Y-Yu Yan."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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