Is this a dream?

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“Einstein Rosen Bridge:

the narrow ‘umbilicus’ that connects one world, to another. 

This travelled tunnel is also known by some as a ‘traversable wormhole’”

March 15th, 2046

I’ve watched it more times than I can count or remember. On the surface of water, the reflective panes of windows and of course, at night, whenever I look up into the sky, I search for it immediately. 

Now it’s passing me quickly, or rather, I’m passing it quickly: This time, it’s a few hundred yards away and is blurred like the mass of a speeding train. A huge, white glowing mass. For a brief moment, I notice the crevices, mountain ranges and shadowed valleys in the distance of its surface. 

This is only part of the voyage. There are millions, if not infinite amounts of stars, nebulae and debris flying past me as I turn to look ahead. All I can do is try to remember what I’ve learned from the council and Usla about space travel. The real speed of light. Like a rag doll flying through empty nothingness, I realize that I have no comprehension of the speed that I’m actually flying. Deep down, I don’t really want to know anyways.

Ahead of me I begin to see a light that is becoming brighter with each passing second. The moon is at my feet, drifting off into the distance in one long flashing arc. Stars become white lines passing on all sides and as I move forward, my hands and arms outstretch in an unimaginable way. Despite this, I take a deep breath and notice that yes, I am still alive, feel no pain and am still in tact. It’s taken me a few times to even muster the strength to acknowledge these things. I’m briefly given a glimpse of the universe around me; bright colours highlighting what appears to be a cluster of planets or moons in the far off distance. Stars litter the sky like pinpoints in an an infinite map. I have no words to describe it. Nothing to compare the experience to. Then I’m flying through the tunnel of light again, my eyes beaming open as my mind tries to take it all in. In a flash, my feet are then firmly planted on something beneath me. It’s soft like fabric, but still prickles my soles. The light is back now, and I am suddenly enveloped rather than released into nothing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2015 ⏰

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