Chapter 1: The party

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It was a cold windy December day, I recently just got back to my house in Utah from a doctors appointment, I was 8 months pregnant. Did I want to be pregnant? No, I was raped by someone I never thought I would see ever again.
*1 year ago*
My name is Darcy Woods and I am 20 years old and in my second year of college. College is pretty great , I mean the food isn't the best but the experience is well worth the money. I live by myself in an apartment off campus, I don't really want a roommate seeing as I come off a bit shy.

I guess you can say I am an A+ student but I don't like to brag. Currently its a Friday night and everyone is out partying but I'm here burying my face in books. I would love to go to a party but school comes first, yet again I am 20 and I do well... Oh whatever I will just go but only for an hour.

I got dressed a little nice and I grabbed my keys and followed the sound of blasting heavy metal music. I pulled in and all there was
were bra's on the roof, cups on the lawn, and naked guys trying to get some girls. Yup, thats college for you.

30 minutes later the next thing I knew was that I was so drunk and I found myself in this bed with no clothes on. Then this guy walked in, he was tall with brown hair and gages he also had a really nice body, not just because he was naked. I looked next to me and there it was a ripped tiny little package that I never wanted to see.

I jumped out of bed, got my clothes on and tried leaving.
"Oh Darcy come on you can't leave yet the fun just started!"
"Who even are you?" I questioned.
"The names Daniel, you had a bit much to drink so I brought you to bed"
"Oh so basically, Mr. Daniel, you thought hmm lets see she is drunk and not thinking so let me just have sex with her before she realizes whats going on. Do you realize that you basically just raped me!! Get out of my way. NOW!!" I screamed at his face and tried opening the door.

"Ha, good luck trying to get out." He laughed. He pulled me buy my hair and slammed me into the dresser. He then slapped me across the face and beat me up until I couldn't breathe. I was crying for help but the music was just so loud. Daniel then left me on the ground coughing up blood and bruised like you wouldn't believe. He picked up his red cup and left the room.

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