Chapter 4: Help!

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It was a month or two after Daniel went to jail. These past months have been the best of my life, although I was about 2-3 months pregnant I felt great. I was exercising and going on walks every day. Life couldn't have been any better.

It was early in the morning and I didn't have any classes that day so I decided to take a nice long walk and get some fresh air. I was looking down at my feet and wasnt paying attention to where I was going and bumped into someone and fell.

"Oh god are you ok! Are you hurt oh geez I am so sorry!" the stranger spoke. I was still looking down but once I looked up we both had a moment where we stared into each others eyes. He was so handsome he had this dirty blonde some what brunette hair, blue eyes and a smile that you could never forget.

He helped me up and took all the leaves that were in my hair.
"Wheres my manners, Im Louis" He put out his hand and as I touched it I got this tingly sensation through my body.
"Darcy. I haven't seen you around are you new here?"
"Yeah I just enrolled a few days ago and i'm not so familiar with this place. I just want a nice cup of coffee" He laughed and it made me laugh just seeing his smile.

We walked and just talked about ourselves and as we approached the coffee store I went out to shake his hand and say goodbye but he insisted on buying me something small to eat and a coffee since I was pregnant. We sat down at a window seat and just talked for at least 2 hours. It was nice to talk to someone other then myself.

"When is it due?
"What? Oh the baby its due in about 6 months."
"Wow good luck with that I know she will look just as beautiful as her mother." Wait. Is he flirting with me? I smiled and told him it was getting to close to noon and I had to go home and do some house keeping. As I walked out of the shop I smiled my whole way back to my house. So this is what real feelings should be like.

When I got home I hoped in the shower went to the local market around the corner to get some basics and picked up some more pregnancy tests just in case.

I was so busy thinking about Louis that I totally cleaned my whole house, it was spotless. As I was cleaning I found the box with all the photos and the letter. I went down to the police station to give them to a detective to see if Daniel would stay in jail for longer.

The second I got home I went right to sleep and that was probably the best sleep I have had in a long long time.

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